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  1. J

    Botanical Brewing

    Hello everyone, Apologies if I'm posting in the wrong section but couldn't work out best place to post. I want to brew some botanical soft drinks, much like the Fentimans range and I'm sure it must be possible to do on my all grain home brew kit but I can't seem to find any info on the net...
  2. J

    Novice-Just discovered HERMS-Advice wanted

    Ok, I'm getting the point. I must admit I like the look of the simple 10 gallon brewery on hop and grape, going to look into that. Without meaning to sound lazy, does anyone have any links to any good videos with one of these in use?
  3. J

    Novice-Just discovered HERMS-Advice wanted

    Thanks for the tips guys. I'm in South London and I do accept that I have a lot to learn. My thinking was that its possible to learn brewing using a HERMS system. That said, I dont actually have the money for one, I wasnt just planning to go out and buy one. I'm just looking for a way to make...
  4. J

    Novice-Just discovered HERMS-Advice wanted

    ok I thought I might get advised against and to stick with the basics of brewing. I appreciate that, but just to clarify - does that mean bucket and saucepan brewing? Kit brewing? And isn't a herms system effectively like having a very mini microbrewery? In that the pumping and heating is...
  5. J

    Novice-Just discovered HERMS-Advice wanted

    Hi guys, I'll come right out with it. I'm a total novice, have only ever kit brewed once. But I've just discovered HERMS and RIMS and to be honest I want one, but I'm very unpractical. I cant do all the welding, plumbing, electrics etc. So really my question is simple...Roughly, how much would...
  6. J

    Bottling Equipment

    Hi all, I'm new here and just looking for a bit of advice on the bottling of my beer. Does anyone know of any cheap bottling machines that I can use that will allow me to professionaly bottle around 100 bottles per session. Somthing that is manual but that is better than just a tube for...