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  1. Gingerbrews

    Picture or Video of the day.

    Wish I'd had that Atomic Energy Lab as a kid :laugh8: :laugh8:
  2. Gingerbrews

    Challenger hops

    Did it for 19lacheers.
  3. Gingerbrews

    Challenger hops

    3.3kg Pale Malt (Crafty Maltsters) 40g Challenger @ 60mins 20g Challenger @ 10 mins MJ Liberty Bell 60 min mash @ 66C 60 min boil OG 1040 FG 1006 The original recipe included 100g of Crystal (but I didn't have any):laugh8:
  4. Gingerbrews

    Challenger hops

    Have done a great SMASH which is a clone of Coniston Bluebird
  5. Gingerbrews

    The end of the road for Fiesta.

    Got one as a company car once, piece of crap. Left the job for an Audi 80 clapa clapa
  6. Gingerbrews

    Pilgrim Hops

    Was doing a quick stocktake of my hops and found 100g of Pilgrim. Don't remember ordering it. Anyone any ideas what it could be used in?
  7. Gingerbrews

    Cleaning hop bags

    I have just finished my latest CML Shession Ale and it's in the fermenter now. Just wondering what everyone else does to clean their hop bags, or do you just throw them out? CML kindly provide the bags and I'm too tight to throw them out, so I give them a quick rinse, then boil in a pan for...
  8. Gingerbrews

    What did you brew today?

    19 litres of CML Shession Ale brewed and into fermentation chamber. athumb..
  9. Gingerbrews

    The 'Recommend me a TV series' thread

    I'm half way through The Undeclared War on Channel 4 (catch up). Enjoying it
  10. Gingerbrews

    Geodesic dome

    I'm looking at installing one of these big plastic domes in the garden of our holiday cottage, Does anyone know anything about them? I'm specifically interested in how they keep out the weather ie rain, and particularly as it's in the West of Scotland, will the midges be able to...
  11. Gingerbrews


    Reckon there is at least 50 odds. Have done about 8, all great clapa clapa
  12. Gingerbrews

    Bus passes

    As an old fart in Scotland, I've got my free Scotlandwide bus pass clapa clapa
  13. Gingerbrews

    Hot Weather Preparations

    It's not looking Scorchio in Glasgow at the moment......Drizzlio :laugh8: :laugh8: :laugh8:
  14. Gingerbrews

    Do you live where your partner was from?

    Christ NO!! Who in their right mind would want to live in Kilmarnock:laugh8::laugh8::laugh8:
  15. Gingerbrews

    Do you still live where you were born.

    Born Glasgow and lived there till 29. Then 28 years "abroad" in Edinburgh. Now back in Glasgow about 30 mins walk from where I lived as a child :laugh8:
  16. Gingerbrews

    England 0 - 4 Hungary

    As a Scot watching, I was surprised how so many clearly talented players can't gel as a team. Maybe a re-think is needed
  17. Gingerbrews

    England set to hit 33C

    As a Ginger in Scotland, I don't have to worry :laugh8: :laugh8: The heatwave isn't going to reach us :cool::cool:
  18. Gingerbrews

    Boris Johnson No confidence vote

    Great. Let's hope they get rid of the lying buffoon
  19. Gingerbrews

    Blue storage barrel for grain

    I decant my malt into 3kg bags; then put into the barrel. means it's easy to take out a reasonably small (measured) amount when it's needed 🙂
  20. Gingerbrews

    Picture or Video of the day.

    Is it just me?.........Or does anyone else think the front of the Anglia looks like a grumpy old guy with bad teeth? :laugh8: :laugh8: :laugh8: