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  1. Gingerbrews

    Nicks90's Brewdays

    Sorry to read this. I always enjoyed your recipes that I "stole". All the best for the future
  2. Gingerbrews

    Nicks90's Brewdays

    I like the description of "handful" of malts clapa
  3. Gingerbrews

    Great brewing day

    Brewing God's smiling on me againclapa
  4. Gingerbrews

    Great brewing day

    Great day to brew outside in sunny Glasgow
  5. Gingerbrews

    Beer in demi-johns

    Ok, so I like to do 5l experimental brews in demijohns before scaling up (if successful) to 20l. 2 problems/issues that I would appreciate input on: 1) How best to take starting gravity reading? At present, I dangle the hydrometer on a piece of string into the neck of the DJ. This is...
  6. Gingerbrews

    25kg bags of grain

    I've got these. They're great and although the seals can be a bit fiddly, you know nothing unwelcome is EVER going to get into your grain :laugh8:
  7. Gingerbrews

    Car sales.

    I had a bump in a car park at end of March. Other guy admitted fault and as his Insurer and mine were the same, I didn't anticipate any problem. Car "eventually" taken away for repair 29 August and returned 5 weeks later. I was provided with a hire car for repair period at cost in excess of...
  8. Gingerbrews

    Picture or Video of the day.

    A re-badged Honda Ballade. The death throes of Triumph:D
  9. Gingerbrews

    Just stop oil

    Public transport is definitely the answer. However, this throws up problems too. I am lucky enough to live in a city close to a major road for 2 bus routes; the buses are run by by 1 company but are timetabled to come within 2/3 minutes of each other. They are regular up until about 18.30, then...
  10. Gingerbrews

    What are you reading ?

    Going back through my classics: on Grapes of Wrath. A fantastic book for multiple reasons🙂
  11. Gingerbrews

    Brewing outside

    Brew day went well. The FV is in the brew fridge and bubbling away clapa
  12. Gingerbrews

    Other hobbies

    I shoot; but only clays. Not all shooting is about killing athumb..
  13. Gingerbrews

    Brewing outside

    Today, given the nice weather, I decided to brew (CML Oatmeal Stout) outside. Have never done so before. A lucky escape as you can see. Are there any other potential problems lurking about that I don't know about?:laugh8:
  14. Gingerbrews

    What did you brew today?

    CML Oatmeal Stout. A first try of this; hoping for a good outcome athumb..
  15. Gingerbrews

    Diane Abbott

    I want to voice support for all the poor Redheads who continue to be abused throughout their lives :laugh8:
  16. Gingerbrews

    TETB’s Brewdays

    What finings are you using? I've never used any but am willing to give it a whirl to compare
  17. Gingerbrews

    Hello from Fife, Scotland.

    Hi from Weegielandacheers.
  18. Gingerbrews

    Ken Bruce

    Well, I for one, have always enjoyed Ken's shows. Started onto GHR as a result of him going there.
  19. Gingerbrews

    The BBC

    For £1.3m I'll sit there and spout crap about playing the false 9, and a high press clapa clapa