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The Homebrew Forum

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  1. S

    Coffee Stout/Porter

    An old thread, I knoiw. I did a 23 L batch of coffee stout a few years back, and split the batch at end of fermentation. Half I used 28gm whole beans chucked directly into the batch still on the slurry. The 'clean' half I had racked off, I added the other half of the coffee serving (28gm coarse...
  2. S

    Using older grain

    I'm always iffy about buying pre crushed grain from brew shop after a bag of same a couple months ago. Opened and poured into grain bucket, 5 mionutes later there's a Mongol-like horde of weevils came pouring up the inside of the bucket looking for freedom, so I doubt there was too much of the...
  3. S

    How many litres of home brew have you made 2024

    4614 Hoppy Saison 23 L Red Rye Saison 23 L Smoked Honey Porter 20 L Coffee Stout 23 L XPA 20 L; 20 L Two - Headed Stout 23 L Abyss Imperial Stout clone (into collaboration barrels) 40 L Citrus'y Saison (group barrel project) 25 L 4831 L
  4. S

    Hi all.

    It's all go It's all good mate, was the 'ignore, can't delete' thread, just having a bit of fun.
  5. S

    Hi all.

    Appears I don't have sufficient privileges to respond to the thread I am supposed to ignore.
  6. S

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    Second iteratrion of a Smoked Honey Porter, using Gladfields Manuka Smoked malt for effect. Initially inspired years ago when saw some smoked honey at my butchers, and thought, "yeah, beer". Googled around and discovered that the American President of the time had done extract home brew of a...
  7. S

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    Stunning grog.
  8. S


    For mine, having gone through a very quiet period of drinking nearly zero mixed ferment beers, my wife questioned what was going on after I started having a few of those again. Abd I really do love my mixed ferment and sour beers. Occasionally have to have a break as acid reflux can rear its...
  9. S

    Hi all.

    Hi all. Long time AG brewer, have been in amongst a couple forums in lands 'neath the equator, and a couple FB groups. I find the forum style more conducive to chasing and keeping info at the fingertips. Found this place via a random search about a specific malt, and a thread that referenced a...