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  1. ale_crowe_holic

    Grainfather S40 - Mistake? Shall I return and get something else?

    I am considering claiming back of my CC if they don't offer me a refund. Unfortunately Tesco have a 120 day limit but I'm not 100% if it's from date of purchase or delivery date. Currently on day 119 from placing the order, it was delivered 6 days later.... I'll be emailing again on Monday for...
  2. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Snap. Enjoyed this one, although out of the box I've not had a bad one yet. 3 in.
  3. ale_crowe_holic

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Paulaner Aldi Oktoberfest. Not to bad tbh.
  4. ale_crowe_holic

    Grainfather S40 - Mistake? Shall I return and get something else?

    Well I've just sent this. Hi Gareth I'm assuming you've not heard anything back regarding the issues. I'm going to be asking for a full refund for the S40. From my experience and from reading more on it on forums and online, it's not fit for purpose. I won't be able to replicate brews due...
  5. ale_crowe_holic

    Grainfather S40 - Mistake? Shall I return and get something else?

    I'm still waiting for another response, Gareth said 2 days ago he was chasing it up. I'll email in the morning, I'll tell them that I'd like a refund. Are you going to try a different AIO?
  6. ale_crowe_holic

    Grainfather S40 - Mistake? Shall I return and get something else?

    I'll await my response then. Did you request a refund in your original email?
  7. ale_crowe_holic

    Is this ruined?

    Would you rack straight from this then or rack it into a bottling bucket and leave it again before bottling? I used to bottle using a syphon but there was a fair bit of waste when going from one bottle to the next. Any recommendations on a decent one?
  8. ale_crowe_holic

    Is this ruined?

    So I opened one, very small hiss so hopefully there's no chance of exploding. I plan to keep them at 20 until a week on Sunday then put a few in the fridge before I drink them. Poured and it's ok. It's not great but it's definitely not the worse I've had.
  9. ale_crowe_holic

    Is this ruined?

    The hops (pellets) were thrown straight in. So once I've finished the brewing add the finings. Cheers, another thing I've not researched...
  10. ale_crowe_holic

    Is this ruined?

    It was 23ltrs. I'd read about using 2 packs of yeast being fine for this amount... It was 1.022 on 11/9. 1.019 on 14-17/09 with no change. Bottled on 17/09.. I did add 108g of dextrose actually when I put it on top of the fridge and gave it a stir. Bugger. Was left for 15-20 minutes whilst...
  11. ale_crowe_holic

    Is this ruined?

    I wonder if I used too much yeast? Two packs of 11g Lallemand verdant yeast. As said above, it was bottled using the tap on the bucket. Maybe next time I should grab Syphon wand or try andake a filter for my tap. Only worry is if I make a filter and that gets blocked then no beer flows to the...
  12. ale_crowe_holic

    Is this ruined?

    I'm filling from the tap on the fermentation bucket. Maybe it's drawing from there even though it sits an inch or so from the bottom of the bucket. I took the bucket from the fermentation fridge and placed it on top before I started bottling. I used this when I added the yeast. That's the...
  13. ale_crowe_holic

    Is this ruined?

    Ah ok, cheers for that. It had been in the fermentor for a fair while so thought it best to get it bottled. There was quite a bit of sediment in the bottom of the bucket too. I didn't really expect this to clear as it's an oat IPA so thought it would be quite cloudy. Maybe I need to leave it...
  14. ale_crowe_holic

    Is this ruined?

    Second all grain using the Grainfather S40. As discussed in another thread, I didn't hit my numbers either time. This brew is one I put together myself, I didn't have this issue when bottling my last one. I'm pretty thorough with my cleaning and sanitising but I'm wondering if I've picked up...
  15. ale_crowe_holic

    Tidal energy.

    They have put ideas for the same in Mostyn but it's estimated to cost £600m+ so realistically £1b after things go over (HS2). Wind turbines need a lot of maintenance. Underwater ones will need just as much, if not more, then there's the breakdowns and accessibility to fix them. It's just not...
  16. ale_crowe_holic

    How many litres of home brew have you made 2023.

    22 ltr oat IPA just bottled. 6637
  17. ale_crowe_holic

    Grainfather S40 - Mistake? Shall I return and get something else?

    I've not done anything yet as I've been manic in work. I'll probably wait until Monday now and give B2B a chance to get back to me (assuming Grainfather get back to them) I'm off work from Wednesday so will have a bit more time to chase things up if I've not heard back.
  18. ale_crowe_holic

    Grainfather S40 - Mistake? Shall I return and get something else?

    Will do. I've been dealing with him so hopefully he comes back tomorrow with something from them. Wonder if anyone on here is good with refund emails? Anyone fancy writing a template out?
  19. ale_crowe_holic

    Grainfather S40 - Mistake? Shall I return and get something else?

    Well I've heard nothing from Brew 2 bottle today so I'll email Grainfather direct tomorrow. I think I'll be asking for a full refund (I assume minus the return postage?)