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  1. Yellow Car

    Love Brewing New Kit Giveaway!

    Double Dancing Duck sounds fantastic if I'm lucky enough. Loved the last Beerworks kit I made.
  2. Yellow Car

    Elderberries, ripe enough?

    I'm making a blackberry wine at the moment (just started) and have read here that elderberris make a good addition. They are just coming ripe at the moment round here, will I be ok to just take the dark ones from these bunches (I.e. discard the green)? I really don't want to get a year down the...
  3. Yellow Car

    Lovebrewing's Beerworks Russian Imperial Stout

    Bit of a thread revival but... Brewed this a month ago for a Christmas tipple. I ended up with half a bottle over, so not to waste it I purged the headspace with co2, and gave it a try last night after 4 weeks in the bottle. Just gorgeous. I'm not great at describing flavours, but there were...
  4. Yellow Car

    FREE! King Kegs (Maidstone)

    Many thanks, I'll do my best to make sure they don't stay empty for long :)
  5. Yellow Car

    FREE! King Kegs (Maidstone)

    Thanks, that's brilliant. I'm in Reigate at the moment, so pretty handy when the M25 is working...
  6. Yellow Car

    FREE! King Kegs (Maidstone)

    Oh - that's me! Could I take a couple please?
  7. Yellow Car

    Hosepipe ban.

    Looks as though we should escape in the East Good job as I put a new Yew hedge in back in October, it's needing a bit of help in its first summer.
  8. Yellow Car

    WinExpert reserve kits

    It's worth keeping an eye on this, as there are new kits being added while others are selling out. Reserve California Cabernet Merlot has been added in the last couple of days. I've never tried a kit red before, but have bought one of these on the basis that if an £80 kit (full price) doesn't...
  9. Yellow Car

    Gas loss of my barrel

    I always crack the tap open a fraction after 24 hours of carbonation. If the barrel has sealed properly you'll have good pressure by then, and if not you've still got time to sort it out.