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  1. Yellow Car

    Sodastream usage.

    This is true for older Sodastream cylinders, or some 3rd party ones (e.g. CO2YOU), but for the last few years Sodastream have fitted an anti-refill valve. This shuts the valve if the refill rate is too high, and makes refills a real faff to do at home. You can modify the valve, or replace it...
  2. Yellow Car

    Razorback IPA: bottling vs pressure barrel?

    One more thought - as I've just been reminded as it's barrelling day (dry hops have been in 5 days)... I pretty much always follow the 2+2+2 timing, so added the hops on day 9, so as to bottle today on day 14 with 5 days dry-hopping. Only to find the gravity is at 1.009 as opposed to 1.005...
  3. Yellow Car

    Razorback IPA: bottling vs pressure barrel?

    I'd second the 'do both' suggestion and see which you prefer. I thought the flavour was significantly different with the two approaches, and personally preferred the flavour in the barrel. There are quite a few citrus-forward IPAs (bottled flavour), but this was the only nectarine flavour...
  4. Yellow Car


    Couldn't agree more, and credit to you for offering it. With many suppliers you only find out who's being used when you get the tracking info. Given the choice I'd avoid Evri.
  5. Yellow Car


    While the final delivery part of Evri depends on your local driver, what is consistent is the way it's impossible to get any issue resolved if it doesn't fit with their automated phone system. As a couple of examples, I had one parcel to be collected. The local guy must have marked it as...
  6. Yellow Car

    Razorback IPA: bottling vs pressure barrel?

    It's a popular kit, so I'm sure you'll other views, but my experience was that I had two different, but equally good flavours barrel vs bottle. I made this as per the instructions, so added the hops to the wort un-bagged, which was a mistake. Even with a bag over the syphon tube it took a long...
  7. Yellow Car

    Adnams Ghost Ship

    Yes, I also took the tour about 5 years ago. It was only my second brewery tour (after Black Sheep) and I was kind of expecting it to be a case of seen one, seen them all, but very much not the case, and a pretty modern/automated set-up at Adnams. The only shame was that I was driving that day!
  8. Yellow Car

    Content Writer for Beer / Wine Kits

    I'm a kit-only brewer and wine maker. I've made a few kits now across the price range and styles. I use pretty basic equipment (bucket, belt heater and Inkbird, so probably representative of many home brewers. I'm happy to point you to my holiday let website as an indication of my writing...
  9. Yellow Car

    LOVE Brewing " Spiritworks Artisan Flavouring Gift Boxes" Giveaway!

    I'd like to try the classic gins if I win please. Looks like a free prize which could end up costing a fair bit on new kit ;)
  10. Yellow Car

    Bank's Bitter 89p (500ml)

    I'm pretty sure that's the normal price in Asda, and yes excellent value.
  11. Yellow Car

    How many litres of home brew have you made 2022.

    The last few for me in 2022 23l Festival Pilgrim's Hope 23l Festival Razorback 5l turbo cider for 'slider' - using the spent sloes from my sloe gin 51L in all Total 15008
  12. Yellow Car

    The Range IPA kits

    Looks as though stocks are returning. American IPA, Lager, and red & rosé wines showing as available on the website. No Stout still though.
  13. Yellow Car

    King keg tap problem

    It's a pretty common tap, so you'll probably find it wherever you order. I'm sure I paid a lot less in my local shop (when I had one), but that was probably about 15 years ago. Still not leaking though:)
  14. Yellow Car

    King keg tap problem

    If you don't want anything fancy then these seem to last.
  15. Yellow Car

    Cellar 7 Pinot Grecio

    I made this as my first foray into wine back in March this year, not entirely to Mrs. YC's delight. I think she said something like "we can still have proper wine sometimes can't we?"! Anyhow, bottled it after 9 days in the bucket, and gave it a couple of weeks before a blind tasting against a...
  16. Yellow Car

    Beerworks Imp Stout

    That's a shame. I made one back in July for a Christmas brew, all bottled. I tried one about 2 weeks in (as it was a 2/3 bottle) which was way better than I'd hoped at that stage. Tried another one a couple of weeks back, and it had lost a bit of the dry hop complexity, but still had a lovely...
  17. Yellow Car

    Any Black Friday/Discount Codes

    From HMRC Wine Duty How much Wine Duty you pay depends on the strength of the wine (or made-wine) and whether it’s still or sparkling. Strength (ABV) Rate per litre Still More than 1.2%, up to 4% 91.68 pence Still More than 4%, up to 5.5% 126.08 pence Still More than 5.5%, up...
  18. Yellow Car

    Any Black Friday/Discount Codes

    Straying slightly OT, but... ...makes interesting reading on the cost of wine vs the tax/packaging/distribution. In summary in a £5 bottle, about 25p is the cost of the wine. On a £10 bottle it's £2.64 - so for twice the...
  19. Yellow Car

    DIY cheapest Yoghurt?

    That's ASDA @ £1 per kilo for the yoghurt. Sounds as though Tesco is cheaper on the UHT though! I've been buying their own brand for £1 per 500g, so was looking if I could 'brew' my own for less when I came across the Lancashire Farms cost. Anyhow when prices flip the other way again I'll...
  20. Yellow Car

    DIY cheapest Yoghurt?

    I was just looking at this, as I love a natural yoghurt. But then I see that (ASDA prices) a litre of UHT full fat milk costs £1.10 while a 1kg tub of Lancashire Farms live natural yoghurt costs less at £1. So apart from the satisfaction of making your own, is there any benefit?