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  1. Omega

    Do you know wha will run Sale of IPA and lager kits?

    I want to buy circa 10 kits of IPA and lagers so that they last me until the next sale next year. Do you know who makes big discount sale at the moment or will be doing in the coming weeks? Thanks
  2. Omega

    Advice on upgrading fermentation method - pressurised? Temperature controlled? Both? Neither?

    The Malt Millers give good advice all the time. I got another one today when collected my order 👍🏻
  3. Omega

    Advice on upgrading fermentation method - pressurised? Temperature controlled? Both? Neither?

    Would be very interesting to see how you made it, is there a YouTube video how to make something like yours? I want to get rid of some fridges, but want to have something with a good temperature control. Thank you
  4. Omega

    Advice on upgrading fermentation method - pressurised? Temperature controlled? Both? Neither?

    By the way, regarding the fridge - I got three for free from Freegle. I have to get rid of at least one because my 19 litre kegs cannot go inside two, but I can use one of them to store bottled beer and temperature control fermentation for wine. Pressure fermenting is not for any type of...
  5. Omega

    How much concentrate in wine kits

    I made Beaverdale, Wineworks and some other kits, all kits were for 30 bottles though I got 29 at best case. The kits come with different volumes of concentrated juice - the first kit (I think it was cabernet savignon) came only with 1 litre, but mainly they are 5 litre (I usually buy Rioja)...
  6. Omega

    Advice on upgrading fermentation method - pressurised? Temperature controlled? Both? Neither?

    I bought Apollo Unitank 30 L from The Malt Miller a couple of months ago - they strongly recommended me to buy Apollo first and, only if I like the idea of pressure fermentation, then go with Brewtools because Brewtools might be tricky (they did not explain why). I like Apollo. It has advantage...
  7. Omega

    How much beer do you leave in fermenter when you put into kegs?

    I didn’t know I had to cold crush. I can as now I have fridge and temperature control. However, the recipes don’t mention this part
  8. Omega

    How much beer do you leave in fermenter when you put into kegs?

    My last batch of IPA was quite bitter. I guess because I collected everything I could into kegs from Apollo 30 L Unitank Pressure fermenter. How much do you leave in you fermenter so that your brew is not that bitter? Mine is bitter when you start dispensing, but then it becomes fine, therefore...
  9. Omega

    Beer gun - it is necessary? Other ways to fill the bottles

    Liked the video, I think I will do as shown
  10. Omega

    Beer gun - it is necessary? Other ways to fill the bottles

    It looks like my party tap meets all the requirements - it is longer than 2 metres and 3/16"
  11. Omega

    Beer gun - it is necessary? Other ways to fill the bottles

    1. Yes, I fill from corny keg 2. Yes, currently I fill plastic PET bottles with screw tops, though I plan doing glass bottles in the future too Thank you for the video - I have exactly the same party tap and will start putting it into the fridge to reduce the foaming. I think I do exactly as...
  12. Omega

    Electric cars.

    £5k/year insurance will definitely make EV uneconomical in my case I like the idea of owning an electric car - when I ordered solar panels and Tesla PowerWall 2 last...
  13. Omega

    Beer gun - it is necessary? Other ways to fill the bottles

    I give away most of the ales and beers I make, therefore, bottling became quite in demand. I currently use a normal dispensing tap on a hoze. However, some people mentioned that I lose a lot of gas, so I want to improve the quality of my drink Will beer gun make much difference? Thinking about...
  14. Omega

    Water additions with RO water

    I want to store some water at home as well, just in case, probably about 80 litres. Thinking this water should be used for brewing to rotate. I guess I won't know if it is contaminated or not until I try it. And I guess I can disinfect jerry cans each time before I refill - not much effort, but...
  15. Omega

    Water additions with RO water

    it is too far for me. And thanks for suggesting 25l Jerry can - I may get myself a few. Wonder if water can become contained in the can if I do not use it for a while…
  16. Omega

    Water additions with RO water

    Cool. I need to have a look at them - there are two places in my town that do. Do you come with your bottles/canisters and fill up? How does it work? Because I won’t need it often, so think maybe 40-80 litres a year
  17. Omega

    Can you make pilsner in a Unitank pressure fermenter at a room temperature?

    You can do it with Apollo Unitank too, I was recommended it over Unitank because it is easier to use. People find it cool that I serve right from the fermenter. I am now seriously considering brewing in a keg without removing trub and serve directly from there – at the moment, I give away about...
  18. Omega

    Fridge heater - is it worth buying anything fancy?

    I recently bought RAPT wifi connected temperature controller and RAPT Pill as a bundle. And I finally got myself large enough fridge. So, I only need something to heat the fridge to keep the right temperature. Do I need any special heater or anything cheap will do equally good job? I like making...
  19. Omega

    Buying kegs, what else should I buy?

    By the way, I tried this carbonation method. Well, slightly different one - attach CO2 and roll the keg on the floor for 5 minutes. It worked! Ale and beer were carbonated and then I put them into the fridge to cook. I drank it with a few guests and they all liked it So, fast carbonation works...