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  1. Omega

    Pressure fermenting Baltic Porter?

    Checking Mangrove Jack’s Californian Lager Yeast: It looks the the ideal temperature is 18-20 degrees. Wonder if 16 degrees is better than 22? My garage is about 15-17 degrees
  2. Omega

    Pressure fermenting Baltic Porter?

    Thanks. that’s the question I had - if I should pressure ferment it or not? Will keep pressure release valve open so that it doesn’t build up the pressure
  3. Omega

    Pressure fermenting Baltic Porter?

    No, I don’t have temperature control, it is in my room, the temperature is around 21 Celsius. The yeast is Mangrove Jack’s Californian Lager Yeast 412801, no idea what it means
  4. Omega

    Pressure fermenting Baltic Porter?

    I will put Mangrove Jack’s Craft Series Baltic Porter today. I will use Apollo 30ltr Snub Nose Pressure Fermenter. Can I do porter under pressure, or I should do it without a pressure? I will put it for now without a pressure, hope someone replies by then and I can tweak the process if necessary...
  5. Omega

    Octopus energy

    I have an interesting observation - my energy use is falling as we get to colder times. Yes, there is less sun, but I also don’t run air conditioners during the night and don’t heat above ground folding swimming pool. As a result, it looks like I can stay whole day discharging my battery and, if...
  6. Omega

    Octopus energy

    Octopus Go is for owners of electric cars - I just checked with Octopus. So, unfortunately, it won’t work for me It looks like Flux is the best in my case as I export almost 4 times more energy than I buy from the grid, so export tariff matters most to me, it works out more money vs Agile even...
  7. Omega

    Octopus energy

    I don't think you can power the house with Leaf though... It will require modifications that may invalidate some warranties...
  8. Omega

    Octopus energy

    Well, I put as many panels as I could on my roof. Then I told my neighbours and they decided to go with the same solar panel installers because they have excellent reputation for DNO not being rejected. My DNO was accepted and theirs rejected... Now they blame me for generating electricity for...
  9. Omega

    Octopus energy

    Does anyone know how much electricity can Tesla 3 discharge per hour? Just toying with some calculations - my Powerwall can discharge from 100% to the grid within 3 hours (during peak time), wonder if adding Tesla 3 will allow discharging more. I read that the battery is the limiting parameter...
  10. Omega

    Octopus energy

    Yeah, I can see that I cannot combine with Flux… will still call Octopus to get their estimates. Is there a standing charge on Agile or it gets the standing charge from another tariff? Funny (though not funny) that price comparison websites do not list my tariff and then it looks like there are...
  11. Omega

    Octopus energy

    Guess I will call Octopus on Monday to understand this better - if I can fix my export, but import on Agile, then I am winning
  12. Omega

    Octopus energy

    What rate do you sell? Because, based on your link, it looks like I will be selling for around 7-9 pence kWh on Agile , while I sell for 13.13 p/kWh on Flux at the moment before 16:00 and 26.21 p/kWh between 16:00 and 19:00 I wonder if it worth doing it for the winter period when my solar power...
  13. Omega

    Octopus energy

    It is going to be free for me anyway because this is the time when I generate on solar...
  14. Omega

    Octopus energy

    Cool! I am calling Octopus on Monday to find out about this tariff - I charge Tesla PowerWall at night for 15 p/kWh (nice to see that the battery is quite smart - it checks the weather and charges full battery when the forecast is very cloudy weather, but does a bit if the forecast is good sunny...
  15. Omega

    Man Cave, who has one ?

    Depends - we work from different rooms. Then, in the evening, she and my daughter like watching women’s TV on a massive screen (they have lots of subscriptions) while I prefer watching online from MacBook.
  16. Omega

    Man Cave, who has one ?

    I don’t want to have a common man-cave. However, I like my room with my hobby items
  17. Omega

    Octopus energy

    Very good night tariff I just switched to Octopus. I have 27 panels installed last year and Tesla Powerwall2. I am on Flux tariff, but thinking I will stop trading energy because the difference between buying and selling is only 1.5p… I asked to install smart gas meter as I don’t want reading...
  18. Omega

    Equipment For Sale Lots of wine bottle 0.7 litre with and without screw top

    Can lower the price, especially if you want to buy all
  19. Omega

    The Wriggly Monkey Brewery Limited liquidation auction, Malt

    Do you have instructions how to make own beer with this malt? I may consider bidding