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  1. Omega

    Hydroponics? Anyone using them?

    This is an extensive list, I will be happy with half as I suspect some won't grow well next to each other for some reason 1. dill, 2. coriander, 3. parsley, 4. chive, 5. tarragon, 6. rosemary, 7. thyme, 8. rocket, 9. watercress, 10. spinach, 11. marjoram, 12. hot pepper, I need them regularly...
  2. Omega

    Hydroponics? Anyone using them?

    No, I definitely don't want to do this kind - only one box with 6, maximum 9 different plants
  3. Omega

    Hydroponics? Anyone using them?

    Thinking to ask my family to buy me one for Christmas. However, Amazon has lots of options and not sure what I could get for £100-200. Want the following characteristics to make it easy to maintain: Adjustable height lights Timer to switch on and off the lights Water aeration to prevent stale...
  4. Omega

    Old cars big money.

    It is Veblen goods - the more expensive they get, the more in demand they will be I am under impression our world economy has so much excess money that we start having overinflated prices on many rare things just because they are rare I sometimes think we could make a tree holy and start selling...
  5. Omega

    Hello from Dusseldorf

    Very welcome
  6. Omega

    Pressure fermenter cleaning

    I would recommend Bucket Blaster as it uses less sanitation liquid. And it is much more convenient as I set it up with normal water to clean for 20 minutes and then another 20 minutes with sanitizer to sanitise it while I can do other things. However, the fermenter should be placed securely at...
  7. Omega

    Octopus energy

    An update - Intelligent Octopus Go is asking car registration... And there are a few awkward questions
  8. Omega

    Octopus energy

    I spoke to Octopus - they asked me to apply again and said I don’t need to replace the meter either. They suspect this happened because I chose Intelligent Go Export, and they don’t have this tariff in the UK…
  9. Omega

    Which spunding valve?

    That's right - I only use it to see an indication what is the pressure in the fermenter. Once fermentation is finished, I don't use the spanding valve. I have not been brewing for a long time, so perhaps that's why I am still happy with over or undercarbonated drink - I still feel like a wizzard...
  10. Omega

    Electric cars.

    Sounds great! I am planning getting myself Tesla, by the way. Not brand new though. And probably not in the next 2 years - I want a folding electric bike under 25 kg that can do 60 mph with at least 30 miles range, drive in my car to London, park the car and then ride on the bike around the...
  11. Omega

    Which spunding valve?

    Could you educate me the importance of it, please? Because I do not think I will notice a difference in taste of beers carbonated at pressures 2 Bars or 2.25 bars - I would think the one I have is accurate to 0.25 of Atmosphere. I usually do rapid carbonation of the ready ale - make the keg is...
  12. Omega

    Which spunding valve?

    Ok, but does it matter? I simply check if there is enough pressure during the fermentation. I suspect being very accurate doesn’t matter even in business because some brewers have tall fermenters that pressure at the bottom significantly exceeds the pressure at the top…
  13. Omega

    Electric cars.

    Yes, but do they advise you how much queue is likely to be there when you arrive to charge? If an average car takes, let’s say 30 minutes to charge, and you have two cars in frond of you, then it means you have to wait for you turn 30 minutes (if the charging car is leaving immediately) and then...
  14. Omega

    Electric cars.

    Just a few articles I quickly found on internet - lots of complaints that only Tesla can advice what charging point you should go to, others may end up in a long queue… Don’t know if this changed, but, in my case as a consultant, being able to charge quickly on a motorway or another city is...
  15. Omega

    Which spunding valve?

    I have Spundy - Compact Spunding Valve. It broke within 6 months and I got a replacement for free. However, then I realised that I can merely glue the indicator cover back… I know there is a digital version, but suspect it is equally accurate even though looks like it is more accurate. Anyway...
  16. Omega

    Octopus energy

    They “check” it by asking to connect the car. And try pushing to Intelligent Octopus Go and this requires changing the smart meter. Well, I don’t mind changing the existing smart meter to a smarter version
  17. Omega

    Electric cars.

    Are you driving Tesla? Because I read that only Tesla has good and smart charging network, the rest can be a pain waiting to charge your car
  18. Omega

    Best quality threaded disconnects?

    Guess I will buy stainless steel ones Vaseline - do you put it inside the disconnect or only cover the post? Thinking it will be fiddly applying inside the disconnect thinly
  19. Omega

    Best quality threaded disconnects?

    As I understand, I need food grade lubricating spray. I see the Malt Miller have them, guess will order from them along with disconnect
  20. Omega

    Best quality threaded disconnects?

    I have one light grey (as I understand, it is for gas) and several black disconnects that I use to transfer beer from fermenter to kegs and from kegs to serve. Couple of black disconnects are leaking, I do't know why. I guess I should simply replace them as they seem not to expensive, but would...