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  1. ceejam

    Cascadian Black IPA

    So, after my father-in-law & I getting though a few dozen bottles of Stewart Brewing (Edinburgh Microbrewery) Black IPA and deciding it is a great beer, I pondered doing one myself. I brew kits, because I don't have the time to build AG kit, or use it (2 kids under 3!) so I read various threads...
  2. ceejam

    Gluten free strawberry blond new brews

    I just started a 'Gone with the wheat' Strawberry blonde kit last night. Thought it looked interesting enough to try. I have a couple of friends who are Gluten free & liked the idea of a strawberry blonde, so thought "why not". Anyone else done this kit? How did it turn out?
  3. ceejam


    I have to say this has turned out really rather well! Lovely pint - Trying hard not to drink it all too quickly!
  4. ceejam

    How many gallons of homebrewed beer in 2013?

    2.5 gallons of Gone with the wheat Strawberry blonde started last night. Total = 1320.5 gallons
  5. ceejam

    How many gallons of homebrewed beer in 2013?

    Bottled 5 gallons of Black IPA (better brew IPA kit + carafa malt & extra hops) tonight. Total 1051 gallons
  6. ceejam


    Bottled this last night - 28 bottles & a Minikeg - most bottles I've done in one go and have to say I quite enjoyed it, once they were cleaned & ready to go! Bottle tree and blast rinser make a big difference! Final Gravity was 1.012 & the sample was rather tasty!
  7. ceejam

    Dalex Taps

    If you email him through eBay you might get them at the auction start price, with a decent combined rate on postage ;)
  8. ceejam

    How many gallons of homebrewed beer in 2013?

    I kicked off 4.5 gallons of Cooper's Wheat beer last night Total=237.9
  9. ceejam


    Well, with the weather being a bit snowy & having a 5 week old I decided to get my wheat beer on the go. Cooper's wheat beer kit Cooper's wheat LME 50g Saaz 50g Curaçao peel 33g Coriander seeds I boiled the LME, Saaz& orange peel for 15 mins, crushed the coriander in my mortar & pestle &...
  10. ceejam

    Mini kegs

    I've been buying the bungs from here ... PO2Dr8gGc0 But if you have a friendly local microbrewery that uses them it's worth asking if they'll sell you a few when buying some of their beer ;)
  11. ceejam

    Easy Keg?

    Yes, still doing my bit of recycling. I use brand new bungs everytime - the ones with the red valve are easy to remove, pull the top off, push the little centre into the tap and then lever the rubber out with a plastic (kiddies) knife. Rinse the keg out and the centre bit of plastic comes out...
  12. ceejam

    Mini kegs

    I recycle Minikegs from my local Microbrewery. They sell beer in the ones with an integral tap. I wash them out and reuse them for homebrew (I have loads of them from a few mates aswell!) I use new bungs everytime - you can buy them online - or hassle the local MB ;) Once opened, the beer...
  13. ceejam

    How many gallons of homebrewed beer in 2013?

    4.5 Gallons Cooper's Stout Total = 68.5
  14. ceejam

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2012?

    5 gallons Young's Harvest Bitter (2nd of two 'free' kits due to a Tesco pricing error!) 5 gallons St Peter's Ruby Red (bottled on 30/12/2012) 7111.5 gallons = 56892 pints!
  15. ceejam

    King keg tap

    I bought a Dalex flow control tap cheap in ebay and found it fitted my Rotokeg top tap perfectly, even the float tube fitted straight into the John Guest type fitting! I bought some sparklers so I can vary the amount of head on different beer styles and the flow control is useful if the beer is...
  16. ceejam

    Show us your stash then....

    Not my whole stash, but the latest two brews bottled, mini-kegged & labelled.
  17. ceejam

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2012?

    4 gallons Better Brew IPA (about to bottle/keg) 4 gallons Harvest Bitter (just started - got it for free due to Tesco mispricing!) 4495 - wow! Nearly 40,000 pints!
  18. ceejam

    St Peters Ruby Red Ale review

    Yup, just supped a bottle of this from February - Absolutely the best beer I have homebrewed in the last 18 months!
  19. ceejam

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2012?

    Since my last post.... 5 gallons of Coopers Sparkling ale 5 gallons of Finlandia cider 5 gallons of Coopers Stout (original, with added weetabix :) ) 5 gallons of Better Brew Czech Pilsner So forum total 2574
  20. ceejam

    Acetobacter in woodfordes wherry :(

    I had the same thing last summer. I had an infected brew (Cooper's Canadian Blonde) sterilised the FV and put on a Burton Bridge summer ale which had a slightly unpleasant taste. I then thoroughly cleaned the FV with bleach & boiling water and started a Cooper's lager which had a slightly...