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  1. ceejam

    Black IPA AG recipe??

    Evening folks, just making the foray into all grain brewing after spotting clibit's great thread. I've done a single malt pale and two ambers with pale malt / crystal and now fancy a Black IPA. Or a Cascadian dark ale if you prefer. I was thinking of 2kg of pale malt for a 10L batch and using...
  2. ceejam

    Black IPA Recipe

    Rodabod, how did this turn out? I fancy doing an AG Black IPA / Cascadian dark ale and wondered about the grain bill. Did you get any roastiness?
  3. ceejam

    AG3 - American red ale

    Okey coke. I did a bit of 'research' (entered Carared into Google [emoji6]) and it sounds like colour wise it is very close to Crystal? I might go for a bit of RB next time with a little less Crystal! Then AG 5 is likely to be a black IPA, once I figure out a 10L recipe. I'll start a new thread...
  4. ceejam

    AG3 - American red ale

    Clibit, thanks for the advice, I am going to try a bit of roasted barley (or perhaps carafa special?) in the next one. I've used carafa special to turn an IPA kit into a black IPA.
  5. ceejam

    AG3 - American red ale

    AG3 on the left, Youngs AAA on the right. Maybe it's an amber rather than red?
  6. ceejam

    Young's American Amber Ale

    Well, down to 1.012 already and the sample tastes promising, if a little cloudy (Youngs AAA on the right, my AG on the left)
  7. ceejam

    Young's American Amber Ale

    Just started this off tonight. Followed the kit instructions (first time I've read instructions for a while!) and ended up with 23L @ an OG of 1.050. Set it hung with the FV in a water bath wit aquarium heater, another first - I usually chuck it in the FV, but I think this should be a bit...
  8. ceejam

    Woodforde Kits and Stuck Fermentation

    I've just bottled my first ever Wherry. I decided to substitute the supplies yeast door a pack of S-04 I had. I'd read a lot of posts about Wherry sticking so wanted to avoid it. It fermented from 1044 to 1012 in 10 days. I racked to a secondary and left it in the garage for 3 weeks as I was on...
  9. ceejam

    AG#2 stovetop brew two

    Baggy bill - I got it from my father in law - he'd had it for years!
  10. ceejam

    AG#2 stovetop brew two

    This has turned out rather good I bottled before I went on two weeks holiday and left it conditioning. I chucked a couple in the fridge when I hit back and tried one, but it had no carbonation! Trying another one tonight and it's lovely!
  11. ceejam

    AG3 - American red ale

    It's a browny/reddy/Amber. Do you have s good 10L grain bill for a red ale.
  12. ceejam

    AG3 - American red ale

    So! Just nearing the end of the boiled for my 3rd AG stovetop brew. Similar recipe to last time; 2 kg pale malt 0.25kg Crystal 16g Galena (13.2%) @ 60 mins 20g Galena@15mins 20g Galena @ flameout. I 'found' Galena when doing a Craft beer kitchen brew in December, so thought I'd try it as a...
  13. ceejam

    Innis & Gunn use the grainfather

    In partnership with my local LHBS, Brewstore.
  14. ceejam

    Mini kegs

    I have re-used easy kegs from my local microbrewery. One of the online homebrew shops sell new top stoppers, so so re-used to begin with and then bought new. I just used to treat them like big bottles, clean out, sanitise, prime with 10-15g sugar, rack the beer in - how to know you've left...
  15. ceejam

    AG#2 stovetop brew two

    Here's s link to the one I bought. Very thin, but very cheap!
  16. ceejam

    AG#2 stovetop brew two

    I ended up with an SG of 1052, fermentating well underway this afternoon! I love an airlock plip plopping away!!
  17. ceejam

    AG#2 stovetop brew two

    They were dead cheap in the LHBS, so thought I'll use them as my bittering hop. Thanks for the advice, I'll send you a bottle of it's any good :)
  18. ceejam

    AG#2 stovetop brew two

    The Fuggles are only 4.1% Alpha Acid, so went with 30g as a gut feeling, and no science ;)
  19. ceejam

    AG#2 stovetop brew two

    Aye, why not?! Should I add the Cascade later to get flavour/aroma rather than bitterness?
  20. ceejam

    AG#2 stovetop brew two

    10L - got 14 or so in the boil pot, after letting the grain drain into my 5 L stock pot.