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  1. ceejam

    AG#5 - American Red Rye

    Oops, forgot about pictures, as I was Daddy daycare, but it's now cooling in the utility sink.
  2. ceejam

    AG#5 - American Red Rye

    Afternoon folks, been a while since I brewed, but got a bit of spare time so getting back to it. My recipe is based around Clibit's American IRA. I've got the mash on and the hops weighed out, ready for the boil. 10 litre batch, I've...
  3. ceejam

    AG 4 - Black IPA

    So, thanks for the assistance on recipes. This won 1st or 3rd (think this was 1st and my Amber 3rd) at my local 'village show' this afternoon. Only a week in the bottle, with an overnight 'cold conditioning' phase in the fridge.
  4. ceejam

    AG 4 - Black IPA

    And two weeks later it's looking and tasting good. (Pic taken last night!) down to 1012. Haven't got round to dry hopping yet, but will get some in tonight and hopefully bottle it Saturday or Monday next week. Edit: added 5g of Citra & 5g Chinook as dry hop.
  5. ceejam

    AG 4 - Black IPA

    Well, I ended up with about 12 litres at 1.040, a bit lower than I expected, but more beer overall.
  6. ceejam

    AG3 - American red ale

    So, trying a cheeky bottle,. Is this a red ale? Clarity isn't great, but sure it will improve with some cool conditioning, I stuck this one in the fridge a couple of hours ago. I'm quite happy with it, but was hoping for a little more as this is one of the dry hopped ones.
  7. ceejam

    AG 4 - Black IPA

    Yes, 10L ish - reckon I've got 15L pre boil - topping up the extra as it goes! Is the the hot-break? I've skimmed it off after reading things on here.
  8. ceejam

    AG 4 - Black IPA

    So, no science involved, just a bit of thumb in the air I have weighed out 5g Chinook & 5g Citra for 60 mins 7g Citra, 7g Chinook & 12g Cascade for 10 min addition 4g Citra & 9g Cascade for 5 mins, but think I'll shift to flame out. I don't have software and didn't have time to do calls...
  9. ceejam

    AG 4 - Black IPA

    Ah, maybe next time? Just doing my dunk sparge, after adding in the Carafa and liquid (looked very pale without it!)
  10. ceejam

    AG 4 - Black IPA

    Evening folks, I've got he mash started on the grain bill from this recipe. I have 50g of Carafa 3 in the mash and another 100g cold steeping in 1L of water, as I used this method to turn a kit IPA Black. I am planning to use these...
  11. ceejam

    AG#2 stovetop brew two

    I had a bottle of this earlier, tastes good. Not terribly clear, but no finings were used and I didn't cold crash it.
  12. ceejam

    Young's American Amber Ale

    Thanks for the advice, will measure the water temp and get it submerged!
  13. ceejam

    Young's American Amber Ale

    Aye, me too. Had a couple of issues, so thought I'd try this method - seems to be working well!
  14. ceejam

    Young's American Amber Ale

    So, after 2 weeks in the FV, I added the dry hops in my sterilised hop sack tonight. Here's a pic of my water bath setup.
  15. ceejam

    AG3 - American red ale

    I decided to dry hop half of this batch - had transferred it to 2 demijohns last week. I added 12g (or 10 - can't remember!) of Galena to one demijohn on Sunday and bottles both batches tonight. Smooth bottles are dry hopped, black sheep bottles are non hopped. Ended up with 7 bottles of each...
  16. ceejam

    Tate & Lyles Golden Syrup

    Put the jar / tin on the (electronic) scales, zero and measure what you take out the tin on a spoon.
  17. ceejam

    Woodfordes Wherry Review

    Thanks, quite impressed with the clarity myself. 2 week primary, racked off into 2nd FV for 3 weeks (was on holiday), racked to bottling bucket, batch primer and a week in the bottle so far.
  18. ceejam

    Woodfordes Wherry Review

    Thanks, quite impressed with the clarity myself. 2 week primary, racked off into 2nd FV for 3 weeks (was on holiday), racked to bottling bucket, batch primer and a week in the bottle so far.
  19. ceejam

    Woodfordes Wherry Review

    My first Wherry, after 10 days in the bottle. I used a sachet of S-04 to avoid issues of stuck fermentation and did it as per instructions. A nice pint, even this early, sure it will be great after a few weeks in the garage!
  20. ceejam

    Black IPA Recipe

    It's a small world! Yes, Brewstore are pretty good with advice, variety and prices - I very rarely buy anything online as it's just so handy! Thanks for the feedback on your recipe, think I'll give it a go at some point!