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  1. ceejam

    AG#10 - First one for a while

    Looking and tasting good after 12 days in the FV. Down to 1010 so bottling it this weekend!
  2. ceejam

    Dirty airlock

    There’s a Wilko at Fort Kinnaird and one in Livingston. Also Brewstore on South Clerk Street.
  3. ceejam

    Maxi BIAB

    That was my plan - but the round bag didn’t fit the rectangular cool box very well - I think some bulldog clips might be required!
  4. ceejam

    Maxi BIAB

    Cheers for that - sounds like what I was thinking!
  5. ceejam

    Maxi BIAB

    So, having done 11L BIAB stovetop brews now, I’m wondering what the limits of my kit would be. I’ve got a 15L pot which I can boil in on my kitchen induction hob. I’ve ended up with 12L of 1040 wort using 2.2kg of grain, so I think there’s a bit of capacity to brew bigger volumes. Last brew...
  6. ceejam

    AG BIAB #11

    Yeah, quite pleased how easily I’ve managed to get back into it. Had a bit of an Oops moment last night when I mashed in and then realised I was going to have to leave it for 90 mins mash as I had to go out to collect the kids
  7. ceejam

    AG BIAB #11

    Evening folks, 2nd stovetop brew in just over a week. 2kg Lager malt 100g Crystal Mashed in with 6L at 78 degrees strike temperature. Mash temp 67 90 (ish) minute mash - still over 65 degrees with patented double towel wrap Dunk sparked in 7L in my cool box (was going to use as a BIAB mash...
  8. ceejam

    AG#10 - First one for a while

    So, this is down to 1012 after 9 days, so just chucked in 10g of Cascade as a dry hop. Looking, smelling and tasting good so far! Just mashed in my next one!
  9. ceejam

    AG#10 - First one for a while

    :laugh8: Well spotted! I just went with making more (weaker) beer acheers.
  10. ceejam

    AG#10 - First one for a while

    So, I dunk sparged with another 8L (meant to use 6 - Oops!) and have ended up with about 14L in the FV. OG was 1042 so hopefully a nice 4% ish session ale!
  11. ceejam

    Ideas for Lager malt

    So, I took the advice above and also my LHBS, got some Crystal from them and have brewed this here: 2kg Lager malt 200g Crystal 10g of Magnum 11% for 60 mins 15g Cascade 8.3% for 15 mins 15g Cascade for flameout Got it in the FV with half a pack of US-05...
  12. ceejam

    AG#10 - First one for a while

    Just weighed out 10g of Magnum for 60 mins 15g Cascade for 15 mins 15g Cascade for flameout
  13. ceejam

    AG#10 - First one for a while

    So, just mashed in my first brew for a longtime. 2kg Lager malt (acquired free from a local micro!) 200g Crystal 8l at 75, mash is 66 degrees and wrapped in towels. I’ve got fresh Magnum 11% pellets Galena 13.6% pellets Old cascade 8.3 2015 harvest - Old chinook 13.4 2013 harvest. Been...
  14. ceejam

    Ideas for Lager malt

    Hi folks, Not brewed in 18 months, but I’m looking for a bit of advice for using up a sack of Baird's Lager malt acquired from a local brewery. I have brewed 10L batches with a 2kg ish grain bill, so this 25kg will last me a while! Never used lager malt and thinking if I used it on its own in...
  15. ceejam

    AG8 - another Black IPA

    So this is actually my 9th stove top AG (BIAB). It's been sat in my utility room at about 20 degrees for a few weeks. I decided to put a couple of bottles in the fridge on Saturday and just opened one. I'm quite impressed! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. ceejam

    AG8 - another Black IPA

    I haven't dry hopped, but have a window to bottle it tomorrow evening, so have set the fridge down to 5 degrees to crash cool it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. ceejam

    AG8 - American RyePA

    So left this with the dry hops in for waaaay too long (10 days) and when so lifted the lid of FV I got a real solvent kind of smell?! I drew off a sample and it tasted OK, so I primed and bottled on Monday night. Will see how it turns out! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. ceejam

    AG8 - another Black IPA

    So, you might have guessed I like the Oxymoron of Black IPA [emoji12] Grain bill is 1.2kg pale malt 400g Vienna 250g Flaked Oats 200g Torrified wheat 100g Carafa Special Plus 100g of Carafa cold steeped in 1.5L of cold water since yesterday morning Which I will add into the main mash...
  19. ceejam

    AG8 - American RyePA

    Eventually got round to dry hopping this morning - I meant to add the dry hops on Tuesday and bottle it today, but life's getting in the way! 10g Chinook 10g Cascade Smelling fantastic this evening - will get it bottles during the week. Planning a Black IPA tomorrow! Sent from my iPhone...
  20. ceejam

    How did you get your user name.?

    My name's Jamie McDonald my initials are J A M and I was in the computing & electrical engineering department at uni so my username there was ceejam. I remembered a tune from school called C-jam blues so I kept using ceejam for everything. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk