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  1. ceejam

    AG14 - Maxi-BIAB Tiger beer clone attempt

    After getting some advice on my recipe on here I got my self organised to brew today Here’s the recipe for 20L with a 15L boil. 3.2kg Lager malt 500g Flaked Rice 30g @ 60 mins Hallertau Hersbrucker 20g @ 15 mins...
  2. ceejam

    Yeast harvesting

    Thanks - I was going to decant, but wasn’t sure where the “yeast line” was?
  3. ceejam

    Yeast harvesting

    So, I decanted all the FV trub from my last beer into two jars and they’ve sat in the Fridge for 5 days. My next stage is to decant the liquid off the top into another two sterilised jars. Any advice?
  4. ceejam

    AG BIAB 13 - Black IPA

    Hi, I thinks it’s Carafa Special 3, not tried midnight wheat.
  5. ceejam

    Tiger beer (Lager) recipe

    Thanks for all the advice guys. Going to brew this after New Year 3.2kg Lager malt 500g Flaked Rice 30g @ 60 mins Hallertau Hersbrucker 10g @ 15 mins Hersbrucker 30g @ 15 mins Tettnang Unsure whether to attempt a starter or go back to LHBS for another pack of S23?!
  6. ceejam

    AG BIAB 13 - Black IPA

    Got this bottled on Christmas Eve with help from my father in law. Bottles now stacked in the fermentation fridge at 20 degrees.
  7. ceejam

    Batch priming

    I always batch prime these days and have found a method that gives me better consistency than bottle primingbused to. I dissolve my priming sugar in boiling water and add to bottling bucket as beer is being siphoned from primary FV I to bottling bucket. I sort out the bottles with star san as...
  8. ceejam

    Beaverdale Merlot - First wine kit

    I’ve just transferred to second DJ and degassed with a solid bung until nothing came out. Had a cheeky taste of the sample before adding stabiliser and it seemed OK!
  9. ceejam

    Tiger beer (Lager) recipe

    Do you think a small starter at 12 degrees would be a good idea? I’ve got some DME left over from kit brewing. I’ve never got involved in starters or reusing yeast, but seriously considering to reduce brewing costs & before experimenting with liquid yeasts!
  10. ceejam

    AG BIAB 13 - Black IPA

    I dri hopped this last night. Planning to bottle at the weekend. I used US-05, my go-to dry yeast, although I have also used Mangrove Jack’s US West Coast yeast in the past with good results.
  11. ceejam

    AG BIAB 13 - Black IPA

    After 11 days it is down to 1010 and definitely looks black, with a nice hint of roastiness! Upped my dry hop quantities a bit 23g of Cascade (remains of bag) 37g of Citra (remains of bag) 40g of Chinook to make it 100g dry hop. Hoping this will be another good one!
  12. ceejam

    Hi from Stirling, Scotland

    Hi JP, Hello from Edinburgh :beer1:
  13. ceejam

    Tiger beer (Lager) recipe

    So, having found my stash of empty 330ml Tiger bottles, I thought I’d like to try making a lager to fill them with. I’m thinking: 3.5kg Lager malt 100g Crystal 500g Flaked Rice 200g Caster sugar 30g @ 60 mins Hallertau Hersbrucker 20g @ 15 mins Hersbrucker 10g @ 15 mins Tettnang 10g @ 0 mins...
  14. ceejam

    Tiger beer ???

    Hi there, did you brew the recipe above? I found that too and just getting the ingredients together. Would be good to know how it worked out!
  15. ceejam

    AG BIAB 13 - Black IPA

    Decided to try no chill, so it’s transferred to FV and sitting in the garage floor to cool overnight. Will pitch the US-05 in the morning, assuming temp is around 20 degrees C.
  16. ceejam

    AG BIAB 13 - Black IPA

    Boiling nicely
  17. ceejam

    AG BIAB 13 - Black IPA

    Hop schedule will be 40g 12.9% Chinook @ 60 mins 15g Chinook @ 15mins 15g Citra 11% @ 15 mins Irish Moss @ 15mins also. Dry hop, 20g each of chinook, Citra & cascade My improvised mash/ filter / Lauter tun does the job!
  18. ceejam

    AG BIAB 13 - Black IPA

    Juat mashed in (with help from both kids!) Another attempt at a MAXI BIAB to get 20L from a 15L pan 10L @ 77 strike temp, mash temp sitting at 67. 2.4kg pale malt 800g Vienna 500g Flaked Oats 400g Torrified wheat 300g Carafa Special I usually cold steep the Carafa separately but my LHBS now...
  19. ceejam

    AG12 - MAXI BIAB

    Bottled tonight, quite a tasty brew straight from the FV and relatively clear after a 48hr crash cool in my fermentation fridge!
  20. ceejam

    Real Wort Starters

    Why not make 5L and freeze it in 1L batches?