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    Equipment For Sale Complete BM20 rig and SS Brewtech Brew Bucket for sale

    Actually, I don’t think it’s got native networking capabilities. I believe (but don’t quote me on it) that you can get a wireless module.
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    Equipment For Sale Complete BM20 rig and SS Brewtech Brew Bucket for sale

    I’d like to get £750 for it. That’s a solid discount from what it was worth.
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    Equipment For Sale Complete BM20 rig and SS Brewtech Brew Bucket for sale

    I didn't put a figure on it in the post - I was hoping to hear what someone thinks it's worth first. Didn't want to set it too high and scare folks off or too low and shoot myself in the foot.
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    Equipment For Sale Complete BM20 rig and SS Brewtech Brew Bucket for sale

    Hello all, After much consideration, I’ve decided to step away from homebrewing. As a result, I’m parting with my Speidel Braumeister 20L (purchased in 2016) and SS Brewtech Brewmaster Bucket fermenter (bought in late 2017). Both are in excellent condition, having been lightly used: the...
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    Water treatment for beer kits

    So, 'The Five' fermented well, all the same tempo, tailed off together. They're ready to bottle now, I've just got to pull my finger out. What surprised me is that they fermented faster as 5 containers than had they been together in 1. Anyway, tomorrow I will bottle them.
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    Water treatment for beer kits

    I started the experiment last night as follows:- The kit:- 2-tin Woodforde's Sundew The water:- 1 - Tap water 2 - Tap water with campden 3 - Tap water with campden and CRS 4 - Tap water boiled for 15 mins, cooled and decanted off the residue 5 - Tesco Ashbeck Spring water I have 5x5ltr...
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    Home brew twang

    Mr Bridger, Get a water report from your local water authority, send off for a brewing water report or even better, see if there are any local breweries/micro-breweries you can talk to about water treatment in your area. That's what I did, spoke to a local brewery and it made all the...
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    Home brew twang

    In the thread below, I outlined my theory on the twang which I used to have but eliminated. My postulation was that treating water with CRS fixed the problem BUT the science behind water treatment doesn't support my claim. I suggested an experiment...
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    Fermenter for No Chill

    Guys, the links to and for food grade, no-chill compatible containers and the link to info on plastics temperature ranges at are AWESOME! 3 links, job done! So thank you.
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    Fermenter for No Chill

    I had a reply back from Brupaks today about the fermenter i linked to earlier in this thread, and despite being HDPE, their response from their director, Clive Donald, was "We believe these are ok up to 60 degrees." I've had my hands on the fermenter and it was really sturdy. I was surprised he...
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    Braumeister boil rate

    I'll try your suggestion next. My attempt at cooling the froth by blowing on it as it spewed forth from the hood left me giddy :lol:
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    Braumeister boil rate

    Im talking about this - it's a proper Braumeister part, designed for venting the gases. I was wondering if anyone else had experienced the same vigour and if a boil can be too vigourous.
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    Braumeister boil rate

    Pretty specific equipment question... I use a Braumeister 20L, I have the straightjacket and steel hood for it. During the boil, I use the hood but have found that I have to stay close by because after a couple of minutes with the hood on, my gentle rolling boil turns into a foaming beast that...
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    Fermenter for No Chill

    I popped in on my LHBS yesterday and found this brupaks fermenter. - picture is better from brewuk than my local shop. It has a predrilled hole for the (supplied) airlock, but also an airtight cover for that hole. It's kinda stubby but I quite...
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    2 tin kits

    Thanks. (Picket up a Woodfords Sundew for experiment. Splitting into 4 FVs so 1/2 a tin each is easier.)
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    2 tin kits

    In kits that contain 2 tins and don't need additional fermentables, are both tins the same or does one contain the hopped wort syrup and one just malt extract?
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    Which brewing software

    I received an email about an offer for upgrading my BrewersFriend membership today. When I started AG brewing a couple of months ago, i bought BeerSmith. (under advice). My questions - is there a benefit to having both? Does BrewersFriend offer things BeerSmith does not? Do you have a...
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    Water treatment for beer kits

    This experiment is happening! Since Tesco Direct have 25% off some stuff and we're looking at pale beers, I've picked up a Woodfords Sundew for the experiment. Better yet, I had a club card voucher expiring in a couple of days so the kit has only cost £12.
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    Water treatment for beer kits

    It goes without saying that I'll lie about the results to support what I've been saying :whistle: so, in the interests of science, and whilst obviously no one wants to be sent free beer, I will have to dispatch a sample of each version to a couple of you. Sorry.