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  1. J


    Looks like I have started a heated debate ha ha. Ok so looks like batch priming would be good, but what do you mean by rack? All i did with my current batch was line up the bottles, then add sugar, brew and cap. Then left them in the airing cupboard. I will calculate the sugar and batch prime...
  2. J


    Thanks all, newbie mistake. Same as dropping half the bottles downstairs when moving them! Will the co2 discharge into the beer eventually?
  3. J


    Hi All, I posted a few months back as was just getting started in my home brew. Well started drinking it after leaving since June and it is very fizzy. When I was bottling I put 8g of Granulated sugar in each 500ml bottle as this is what the kit said (Coopers Australian Lager). Bottles were...
  4. J

    Helping A Newbie

    Joe, not sure on the bottling yet, may see if my dad can acquire some glass bottles from the pub as he knows the owner. If not will get PET for now. I thought fitting a tap would make it easier to transfer between FV's and then bottle. I seen the little bottler, which was in the pack I looked at...
  5. J

    Helping A Newbie

    Hi all thanks for the replies, really helped. This is my shopping list, everything from Wilko as my wife gets discount. 2 x 25lt Fermenting Bins 1 x Hydrometer 1 x Trial Plastic Jar 1 x Long Plastic Spoon 1 x Siphon Pack 1 x Muntons Spay Malt Light or 1Kg Brewing Sugar 2 x Air lock with Bung 1...
  6. J

    Helping A Newbie

    Hey, newbie here and looking to get a home brew kit started for my birthday. I have been looking at the Coopers Austrilian Lager kit, read on here that this produces a good lager, unless someone can recommend something else? From what I have read on here, will need the following Fermentation...