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  1. Cha

    Elderflower champagne

    Hi Richard i was wondering have you ever made raspberry cider iv started on to day sum advice would be much appreciated
  2. Cha

    What did you brew today?

    Iv just started a raspberry cider for the first time any advice on this brew
  3. Cha

    Elderflower champagne

    Thanks for the reply very helpful cheers
  4. Cha

    Elderflower champagne

    Hi any one no what’s the best bottles for elderflower champagne iv made 23 litres and and I used fizzy juice bottles they where fine I made it again and 4 off them exploded I used the same type of bottles
  5. Cha

    Cider brew

    Cheers for that LED_ZEP
  6. Cha

    Cider brew

    Hi iv got a cider brew brewing for two days now and the Ayr lock isn’t bubbling yet is this normal
  7. Cha

    Sweet cider

    Cheers Clint
  8. Cha

    Sweet cider

    Hi iv mate a hard cider brew with champagne yeast and found it a bit dry how do I make a sweet cider would be much appreciated for your suggestions
  9. Cha

    Elderflower champagne

    Hi iv got 22 litres of elderflower champagne brewing I was wondering if you can make elderflower champagne from frozen elderflowers
  10. Cha

    Brewing kit

    Cheers pal
  11. Cha

    Brewing kit

    Iv got two turbo ciders on the go in two to litre demijohns the doom went in to the Ayrlocks do you think theses will be ok they’ve settled down and bubbling away now
  12. Cha

    Brewing kit

    Cheers pal
  13. Cha


    Thanks I’ll try again and be more thorough this time
  14. Cha


    Yes it was sterile and in a brewing bucket with a Ayr lock
  15. Cha


    Hi I brewed a Bach of turbo cider for 9 I tried it today and it was like vinegar any advice please