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  1. jeremy Hall

    What are you reading ?

    Just finished 'Catcher in the Rye' very underwhelming. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't that. Thankfully it was short. Reading Michael Crichton's Sphere. So far so good. Crichton's books are a pretty easy read.
  2. jeremy Hall

    What was your first car?

    Baby poo brown VW beetle. My father influenced the decision. He thought he was making me safer by getting me to buy an underpowered car. But he basically bought me a death trap. Beetles don't do well in accidents against 4wd and big sedans. Fortunately I never had an accident in it.
  3. jeremy Hall

    Confused newbie

    I always use table sugar. I did use carbonation drops once, but didn't notice any difference and they cost more. I use half a teaspoon per 500ml bottle. I did use a small teaspoon in some of my early brews, but they came out too frothy. I did have a hand grenade brew many many years ago in...
  4. jeremy Hall

    Thames water potential collapse

    I've worked for large government and private companies. Both are inefficient. But they do have economy of scale. Making a government company private doesn't automatically make it better. In fact it can make it worse. You can run a large corporation well or you can run it badly. SSE for example...
  5. jeremy Hall

    Show us your Pushbikes

    That does look sweet. I used to race when I was younger on light weight racing bikes, but I always found the maintenance to be expensive. I ride a tough old mountain bike in my old age, as parts rarely break. But I would love a gravel bike as a compromise. What's the maintenance like on them? Do...
  6. jeremy Hall

    Plate analysis

    I'm colour blind, which is a badly named term because often it's not a blindness but more a complication of being able to see more colours in something, hence having difficulty identifying. I understand why most people would call the plate blue, but there is some green in there. Not enough to...
  7. jeremy Hall

    What did you brew today?

    I've got my second brew masters IPA bubbling away at a steady pace. The first one came out quite dark for an IPA. It's an ok drop, but a bit uninspiring. Nothing bad, quite drinkable, but IPA are probably my favourite, and it's just ok. All my brews this year I got cheap because they were just...
  8. jeremy Hall

    Need elderflower beer recipe

    Would elderberry work the same as flowers?
  9. jeremy Hall

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Geordie mild whilst doing a bbq
  10. jeremy Hall

    Better brew Czech pilsner kit help!

    If worst comes to worst, it'll still work brilliantly in slug traps. I always use the bottom sludge in slug traps, and they go absolutely crazy for it. Kills them by the hundreds.
  11. jeremy Hall

    Better brew Czech pilsner kit help!

    I tend to smear vaseline around the airlock as it makes it more airtight. But probably late for this brew. 16 days is a long time. My last brew was 9 days (bitter) and that was with 1.2 kg sugar. Lagers can be slower, but even so. If you are bottling it in glass do you have a safe place to put...
  12. jeremy Hall

    Bottling day help

    I bottle half for immediate consumption in plastic 1 litre bottles, and half for storage in 500ml glass. This makes it a bit quicker as the plastic are larger with screw tops. Also, my wife hates my music, so I get to spend 2 hours in the sunshine in the garden listening to my music which is...
  13. jeremy Hall

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    I do like Lidl wheat beer. I tend to buy it when it's on sale. I brew my own too. Coopers comes out nice. I have tried others too, but not sure of brands as I've only just started my brewing diary.
  14. jeremy Hall

    What did you brew today?

    Bottled a Georgie Mild - my second one - first was very nice. Put 1.2 Kg of sugar in this one. Put on a Brew Masters IPA. It's now bubbling away nicely.
  15. jeremy Hall

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Don't normally drink on a Monday - but the wife's just told me we've chicken curry for tea, I've a day off tomorrow, so I'll call Monday Friday and crack open a bottle of Lager - Young's Harvest Lager - quite a nice drop, but I did make it too weak - 25L rather than 23L. But it's a good crisp...
  16. jeremy Hall

    New member

    Another new member here. Started brewing nearly 40 years ago at university in Australia. Mainly because it was cheap, although the stuff we brewed wasn't great. Had a long break and started brewing again two years ago. Been having quite a lot of success. Either the water is different in the UK...