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  1. ChrisR73

    Covid the jab and the final stage.

    For anyone who is interested, there is a nice easy to read piece from Reuters on the misinformation regarding cycle thresholds here:
  2. ChrisR73

    Covid the jab and the final stage.

    Well firstly I didn’t call you a psychopath - I stated that only a psychopath would happily return to normal during all of this. The Government is actually never going to produce a model of transmission in a pub, and the scientists don’t have to prove the risks for each individual situation. The...
  3. ChrisR73

    Covid the jab and the final stage.

    So how many cycles do you think that UK labs have been using for the last twelve months? Do you actually know why cycle limits are used? Are you aware that PCR has been used for decades to amplify genetic material and is not some new technique that labs dont understand? For example, PCR-RT has...
  4. ChrisR73

    Covid the jab and the final stage.

    Not at all, I’m pointing out that you are not evaluating your sources. But you are following someone blindly, that’s quite obvious.
  5. ChrisR73

    Covid the jab and the final stage.

    In my experience people who believe such things tend to be very poor at evaluating sources.
  6. ChrisR73

    Covid the jab and the final stage.

    You mean the PCR tests which have less than 5% false positive rates?
  7. ChrisR73

    What did you brew today?

    Second try at hard seltzer using skittles as a flavouring. perfect for a warm spring evening, which I’m sure is just a couple of weeks away.
  8. ChrisR73

    Which Vaccine? [poll]

    Sounds very similar to my experience, though I had a very sharp headache 30 mins afterwards which lasted about a day.
  9. ChrisR73

    What are you drinking tonight 2021?

    First try of Saaz Pilsner. Never brewed a lager before but it’s come out really well.
  10. ChrisR73

    What are you drinking tonight 2021?

    That is one I rarely sing, but often play on my acoustic after a few bevvies.
  11. ChrisR73

    What are you drinking tonight 2021?

    Blood orange Ale going down very nicely, even if Leeds didn’t get the win I wanted.
  12. ChrisR73

    Heating equipment

    But how do you get it in and maintain a good seal?
  13. ChrisR73

    Heating equipment

    I guess that’s the advantage of an immersion unit, they have a thermostat built in. Might just buy another one then.
  14. ChrisR73

    How fast is too fast?

    Thanks for that - coincidently my heater packed in so it’s actually running at 16-18C instead of 20C. Would be finished now at 20C I think!
  15. ChrisR73

    Heating equipment

    Morning all, advice requested. Ive used an immersion heater for the last year or so of homebrewing and it always kept a perfect 20C. Now it’s given up the ghost are pads or belts any good? Certainly easier to keep clean - please let me have your recommendation.
  16. ChrisR73

    How fast is too fast?

    So first time re-using yeast and it’s racing along like a really fast thing. 1057 to 1024 in 48 hours @ 18 degrees and I’ve never heard so much noise from an airlock! So basically I’m asking if this is a problem? At this rate fermentation will be complete inside 5 days.
  17. ChrisR73

    The Great Watney's debate

    Maybe you should have gone to the proper Uni just for it’s student union bars... personally I avoided the bigg market and preferred either the union or the quayside. I fell off the dance floor in the boat a few times too in the 90s
  18. ChrisR73

    The Great Watney's debate

    Watney’s Red Barrel? I didn’t know it was a real beer, only heard of it from a Monty Python sketch
  19. ChrisR73

    Batch prime or individual prime for bottles

    Sugar first every time.
  20. ChrisR73

    Beer Kits - Do the Pro's still use em'?

    I started with kits to learn the ropes - but very quickly started to Mix it up by adding extra hops, different yeasty, splitting batches and adding fruit juice. Latest switch is buying cheap lager kits, using beer yeast and Dry hopping them to make pale ales. Also Played around with using bread...