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  1. ChrisR73

    Behind The Curve (Documentary on Flat Earthers)

    Then turtles all the way down…
  2. ChrisR73

    Covid the jab and the final stage.

    These vaccines were designed for an earlier strain of COVID-19, the delta variant has adapted to become more contagious. The mRNA vaccines are particularly well suited to being tweaked to new variants should this be required. The biggest worry is that rising infection rates offer more...
  3. ChrisR73

    Covid the jab and the final stage.

    That’s my understanding too, but I’ve also heard this week that medical personnel who have been in contact with a positive case can continue to work after a negative test but cannot go out in public. It’s a trial which is undoubtedly to keep absence to a minimum during holiday season now that...
  4. ChrisR73

    No covid jab

    Again, you’ve just gone down a rabbit hole - you’re literally spreading dangerous misinformation and a whole flurry of logical fallacies. Big companies have a history of breaking rules and endangering lives to boost profits so why pick out the pharmaceutical industry? Ignoring of course that...
  5. ChrisR73

    No covid jab

    Wow, you really have gone down a rabbit hole mate. Manufacturers of vitamins make an absolute bomb, sales are close to £500 million per year on the UK alone. Also, your logic is seriously faulty - if “Big Pharma” (whatever that actually is) made everybody well then they would just have more...
  6. ChrisR73

    Vegetarians and Vegans

    It at all Clint, because an omnivore eats meat and veg - a flexitarian actively eats non-meat meals as per of their normal routine. The reason that there is a word for it is because distinct customer profile and is a big target for the meat-free providers. I’ll just ignore your further ramblings...
  7. ChrisR73

    Vegetarians and Vegans

    All words are made up, there is no bandwagon and I think you’re seriously overthinking this.
  8. ChrisR73

    Vegetarians and Vegans

    Why would you think it is a PC term? It’s a demographic and accurately describes people who sometimes deliberately abstain from meat but still enjoy meat as part of their normal diet.
  9. ChrisR73

    No covid jab

    * Person Up
  10. ChrisR73

    Vegetarians and Vegans

    Soy mainly. Also pea protein, potato extracts and other vegetables. Quorn use fermented fungi - so not strictly plant-based as they often use egg whites as a binder too. It’s also a good catch-all term that covers meat free without mentioning meat - after all, that has generated some...
  11. ChrisR73

    Vegetarians and Vegans

    Luckily they are a lot better nowadays. My biggest issue is the texture, almost everything is so soft it’s like a holiday for your teeth.
  12. ChrisR73

    Vegetarians and Vegans

    That’s quite an easy one - the manufacturer is simply appealing to a wider market. 14% of UK adults describe themselves as flexitarian, which is more than twice the total of vegetarians and vegans combined. Also as most of their target consumers have eaten meat it makes perfect sense to aim for...
  13. ChrisR73

    No covid jab

    Very true, but of course our immune systems are not 100% accurate so no vaccine ever will be. For example, after being in the virus watch study I found I had developed N-antibodies from an asymptotic infection sometime between September and December - but it took more than three weeks after my...
  14. ChrisR73

    No covid jab

    Really interesting that as no vaccines have any long-term side effects. These ones have only been “rushed” in terms of all the delays for finding and approval have been removed, plus of course many had a head-start after the original SARS outbreak. A medical professional should be more concerned...
  15. ChrisR73

    Covid the jab and the final stage.

    Which would be great if it wasn’t killing people.
  16. ChrisR73

    Covid the jab and the final stage.

    Yup, but after being so lax this time last year it’s good to see they are being cautious now.
  17. ChrisR73


    Actually I do work for myself - and getting ahead is only good for some of us. To live in a more productive society with better services, education (which means better staff) and a better society we all need to prosper. If you think that socialism is just the opposite of capitalism then you're...
  18. ChrisR73


    You're clearly not paying attention - capitalism definitely doesn't work and America is a great example of this. Amazon are now typifying everything that is wrong with big businesses, as the oil companies have for decades by avoiding taxes on a borderline criminal basis. Wanting to live in a...
  19. ChrisR73

    Watering down beer

    Fermentation is anaerobic, it is incomplete metabolism of sugars which basically splits the molecule in half. In the presence of oxygen yeast mitochondria break the molecules down further, just as humans do. This means no alcohol production and oxidation of the wort which produces some very...