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  1. ChrisR73

    What did you brew today?

    Tried my Wherry ale last week and it’s absolutely dreadful - bland, harsh, burnt. Wondering if my recent preference for hoppy pale ales has altered my taste buds. So nice added blood orange concentrate and dry hopped with Enigma. Tastes the revised version last night and it’s superb so bottling...
  2. ChrisR73

    Batch prime or individual prime for bottles

    That’s exactly how I do it.
  3. ChrisR73


    Another reason why weight is crucial?
  4. ChrisR73

    What's ya cost saver?

    I’ve done it once - literally bottled a hoppy pale ale and re-used the slurry as my base for a bread ale - so dirt cheap. Even adding more Citra to dry hop it cost me less than a fiver for just short of 40 bottles.
  5. ChrisR73


    Absolutely, I’m still a newbie and learning from this group as well.
  6. ChrisR73


    Biggest difference is time - yeast prefer monosaccharides such as glucose/dextrose or fructose. table sugar is a disaccharide so has to be split first. Lighter ales may taste a bit different using sucrose too.
  7. ChrisR73

    Priming 500ml flip top bottles

    Agreed, I think that the biggest difference with sugars is time - monos ferment quicker than disaccharides like sucrose.
  8. ChrisR73

    What did you brew today?

    Tried my first all-grain recipe today, and the house smells amazing. Enigma SMaSH with Maris Otter Pale - I’m actually suprise as to just how time-consuming it is. Also sneaked in a Mangrove Jacks Pilsner which has been well hopped with Saaz.
  9. ChrisR73

    Smash brewing

    Well I’m assuming so - the one in the recipe has three hops (Taurus, Spalter & sapphire) but on the website to buy cans it only states Saaz so I’m assuming they’ve tweaked the recipe. I got a free 4-pack and was quite impressed.
  10. ChrisR73

    Smash brewing

    That’s on my list for next week - inspired by brew dogs lost lager in fact.
  11. ChrisR73

    Priming 500ml flip top bottles

    I stopped using drops and bought a syringe off eBay. Make a sugar solution with boiling water and easily dispense a measured amount into each sterilised bottle.
  12. ChrisR73

    What are you drinking tonight 2021?

    Really good actually, and can be made easily (but this one isn’t). First one I did was half bread, half malt (from extract) and loads of hops - particularly Citra. This one is made by re-using leftover hops from another IPA as an experiment then dry-hopped with Citra. Its light, fruity and...
  13. ChrisR73

    What are you drinking tonight 2021?

    the cheapest beer I’ve ever made - Bread Pale Ale
  14. Brew73


  15. 8B00BABB-F207-4B81-9BCB-0DF4C23E9A27.jpeg


    Bread Pale Ale
  16. ChrisR73

    Another Newbie..

    Hi everyone and thanks for the ad. I’ve been kit brewing (with modifications) for a year now and have just started to move towards making my own recipes. Highlights so far have been a kit chocolate stout Porter, using extract and a hop profile from clone recipes such as Punk IPA and Neck Oil...