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  1. EveryoneKnowsADave

    What did you do today?

    Teams replacing emails is a real pain. Love the sound of that flatbread lunch though 😍
  2. EveryoneKnowsADave

    Floating dip/transfer tube

    I was thinking I needed to shorten the tube so good to hear that confirmed. I tested this set up with water and I was left with 2-3 inches of water above the top of the tap shaft as the tube settled against the side of the bucket and wouldn't drop further, even with gravity. If you don't mind...
  3. EveryoneKnowsADave

    What did you do today?

    That would be grand. I'm not adverse to a trek under normal conditions. I often drive 500+ miles with the family to meet my dad for a pint of Betty Stoggs in a pub that sits on the banks of the river Tamar. I look forward to my next trip and a detour isn't without question 🍻
  4. EveryoneKnowsADave

    Heating Tube for Fermenter Fridge

    I picked this up from City Electrical Factors (CEF) + a plug for less than £30. I control it from within the keezer with an Inkbird STC1000. Works a treat. It has a twisty heat setting dial on one end. I turned it to about 75% of max so that it's never running at max output. Hopefully that'll...
  5. EveryoneKnowsADave

    What did you do today?

    Sound OB 👍. I've a Youngs American IPA waiting. I'm planning to give it a wee skim of Falconer's Flight Blend. What do you like to brew?
  6. EveryoneKnowsADave

    What did you do today?

    Quite new to homebrewing and under the current conditions it's a brilliant release and I look forward to tinkering with the brew kit after signing off from the home office! Today I took delivery of a couple of 140mm fans for the keezer. Stripped them down to see if I could minimise the size of...
  7. EveryoneKnowsADave

    Floating dip/transfer tube

    Had a go at making a floating gravity transfer tube which should allow me to transfer from a basic 'no tap' fermentation bucket to a keg from the wart surface, avoiding the trub 🤞 Kit list: £7.69 x2 Plastic Fermentation Tank Faucet - Amazon £4.75 John Guest 3/4" Female Bsp X 3/8" Push Fit -...
  8. EveryoneKnowsADave

    Co2 Stirling Area

    Just picked up a bottle of FG CO2 from Lothian Supply Company (Livingston West Lothian). £50 filled for the 6kg (both dumpy and tall version bottles available). £5 per refill. I'm very happy with that 🙂
  9. EveryoneKnowsADave

    Help with kegging please

    Thank you both, and Georgie that all makes perfect sense acheers.
  10. EveryoneKnowsADave

    Help with kegging please

    I've had a bit of a read through the forums but I'm still a bit unclear so wouldn't mind some advice if you can help. I've received my first kit (an American IPA from maltmillers). I have an empty temperature controlled keezer available with 2 corny kegs & CO2 and also have a fermentation...
  11. EveryoneKnowsADave

    Tap shanks

    Are you panelling the outside of the keezer? If so you might want to keep in mind how thick you make the casing. You'll need to make sure there's enough depth left for the tap nozzles. I didn't and nearly came a cropper - luck more than measurement! These taps are Intertap flow control...
  12. EveryoneKnowsADave

    My Keezer Build.

    Cheers lupinehorror acheers.
  13. EveryoneKnowsADave

    My Keezer Build.

    Just thought I'd share some pictures of my Keezer build. Currently only two kegs but it has space for 4 kegs + CO2 and/or Nitrogen mix. I've installed an Inkbird STC1000 to control the freezer and a 60w heater tube. (Needs a fan to provide circulation). I've also added a dual output regulator...
  14. EveryoneKnowsADave

    What are you drinking tonight 2021?

    Had this Hop Nation Brewery "Karma" from a Beer52 box and loved it. Only 5% and head retention wasn't great but, it's a really creamy oatmeal stout with a heavy mouthfeel really nice aroma. The initial taste is toasted/mocha and the aftertaste is a subtle version of this. If I didn't know I...
  15. EveryoneKnowsADave

    Newbe me

    Welcome Mark. I'm in West Lothian but have family around Holsworthy, Westward Ho!, Launceston and Dartmouth. I enjoy my regular trips to Devon and Cornwall (although it's been a while since I was last down asad1 ). Welcome to the forum.
  16. EveryoneKnowsADave

    Newbie from north ayrshire

    Welcome Tony acheers.
  17. EveryoneKnowsADave

    Noob homebrewer saying hello!

    Thanks 😊 I think I'm going to start with a lager to be honest. Nothing too exciting but it's a drink a few folk in the family like so a good one for my first keg. I've been doing a bit of reading on here and the Coopers European or Canadian Blonde seem to be quite popular suggestions. I'm...
  18. EveryoneKnowsADave

    Noob homebrewer saying hello!

    Hi all, Thought I'd post a quick message to say hello. I'm fairly new to homebrewing although I've been into craft beer for some time. My favourite styles are BA Stouts, West Coast and New England IPAs and good old crisp lagers. Equipment wise, I'm part way through a 4 keg keezer build which...