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  1. jimbo1982

    Need some advice

    I have got myself a wilko pressure barrel and I want to put my hoppy copper bitter in it when the time comes. once the priming sugar carbs the beer up how long will it stay carbed? Also how do I keep it cold as it won't fit in the fridge and I don't fancy drinking warm bitter.? I should add that...
  2. jimbo1982

    Bottling Kit

    This is exactly what I did when I bought the little bottler. Just waiting for my second brew to finish so I can test it.:thumb:
  3. jimbo1982


    From the look of it through the fermenter wall I can see some foam but I've not opened it to check so not sure if I'm honest.
  4. jimbo1982


    Not sure if I have a problem. Noticed the airlock level has gone back to the same on both sides. I know I have a good seal as it bubbles when I press down on the fv lid. The level was higher on one side yesterday and there is a ring of scum around the inside so I know something has/is going on...
  5. jimbo1982


    We'll I've done it. Will let it run now and post when i know how it's turned out.
  6. jimbo1982

    Little bottler

    Thanks guys. Drilled to 25mm and fits perfect.
  7. jimbo1982

    Little bottler

    So I've got my little bottler and I want to fit the tap to my bucket but does anybody know what diameter hole I will need to drill? I think 22mm will be ok but there are no instructions so I'm not sure.
  8. jimbo1982


    I am looking to get my second brew on the go tomorrow. I have a wilko hoppy copper bitter kit and I want to add 1kg young's brew enhancer and 500gr medium dry malt extract. Will this be ok? I'm New to this and want to have a bit of a tinker with this bitter.
  9. jimbo1982

    Change one letter game. (4 letter)

  10. jimbo1982

    How full

    Nice one guys. I got one. Paid a tenner with postage but not bothered if it will make it easier.
  11. jimbo1982

    How full

    Is this it?
  12. jimbo1982

    How full

    Forgot to mention that my fermenter does not have a tap so will be using an auto siphon.
  13. jimbo1982

    How full

    Thanks mate. Where can I get one? New to brewing and not came across one.
  14. jimbo1982

    How full

    Might sound like a daft question but when bottling how close to full should a bottle be filled? I know it will need to be close to the very top but is to the bottom of the threads enough? Should mention, the bottles will be 500ml pet bottles. Cheers Jim
  15. jimbo1982

    Hi All

    New to brewing and to the forum. Just thought I would introduce myself so you all know me once I start asking daft questions. I'm Jim from Liverpool and decided that I wanted to try my hand at homebrew. The main reason is because I don't go fishing in the winter so need a hobby to get me through...