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  1. bmass96

    Cooling problems

    Evening all! This is something I've posted about before, but am after a bit of reassurance. I've been trying to chill my wort for a number of hours now but it's not getting below 33°C. It's an electric kettle so submerging it in water isn't really an option. Anyway, am I alright to leave it...
  2. bmass96

    Building your own recipes

    Hi folks, At this point I'd firstly like to mention that I'm still a beginner, so posting about creating my own recipes may seem a bit of a step too far at this stage. However...I'm really keen to start experimenting, or at least learning. I tend to only brew all-grain, and am used to what...
  3. bmass96

    Wort cooling

    Sounds like the option for me! Thought about leaving it overnight before but wasn't sure! Cheers!
  4. bmass96

    Wort cooling

    Evening folks, I've recently opened up my latest bottled homebrew and it tastes glorious! A 3.9% dry-hopped session pale with simcoe and centennial. On the brew day however, I had a nightmare cooling the wort. It just took ages (was 6+ hours). I use an electric kettle/urn so the electrical...
  5. bmass96

    Bottling day advice

    Hello! I planned to bottle my session pale ale today, but I don't have enough bottles (currently on order!). My "issue" is I currently have simcoe and centennial dry hopping. The instructions said to dry hop for 4 days (which is up today, hence me wanting to bottle today). Do I... A) Take the...
  6. bmass96

    19L UK Pale Ale brew day

    I haven't had to do anything with my mashing vessel. I mash in my 5 gallon electric kettle that I bought not too long ago, which isn't insulated. I check temps a fair bit throughout using my glass thermometer. Wanna get a chef alert digital thermometer but they're more expensive than I thought...
  7. bmass96

    19L UK Pale Ale brew day

    I am BIAB, yeah. Thanks for the advice, definitely going to get the mash right this time!
  8. bmass96

    19L UK Pale Ale brew day

    Evening everyone! So on Saturday I'm brewing my 3rd beer, which is my 2nd all grain brew. My first didn't go very well, as I spoke about in a previous thread of mine. I wondered if anyone has any commonly made mistakes that you'd warn novices like myself of. One thing I think I've come to...
  9. bmass96

    Priming sugar

    Nice one, cheers :)
  10. bmass96

    Priming sugar

    Evening! Next weekend I'm brewing a pale ale, 19L. The guide they gave says "Bulk priming sugar: 87g". Which sugar should I use? Dextrose? I only say dextrose as it was the top result when I briefly researched haha. It then says "OR sugar per 500ml bottle: 2g" What sugar do you guys reckon I...
  11. bmass96

    Water treatment - is it important?

    That's really helpful, thanks a lot. I'll have a delve into a water calculator and see what it recommends for my water. So far I've only brewed a couple batches, and they both kinda came out tasting the same so perhaps the water chemistry may have played a part. 1 was a normal IPA and the other...
  12. bmass96

    Water treatment - is it important?

    I'm in the same boat, I'd like to learn myself but its knowing where to start isnt it! I'll have a more in depth look at the calculator. Thanks again!
  13. bmass96

    Water treatment - is it important?

    Thanks for that! I've checked on my providers site (Welsh Water) and the water in my area is moderately soft according to the site. There obviously will be chlorine in it but I'm not sure how much, although from another response half a campden tablet should do the trick. Is moderately soft...
  14. bmass96

    Water treatment - is it important?

    Thanks for that! I'll see if I can get the water profile from our provider and go from there then. When you say about needing to know if the water is soft, temporarily hard or permanently hard - what determines whether it's soft or whatever? Which would fit the bill for IPA's, pale ales etc.?
  15. bmass96

    Water treatment - is it important?

    Quick question about water treatment - is it important? I currently do no water treatment in my brews, but I know people do. Does it affect it that much in terms of taste or whatever? I wouldn't even know where to get what you need for water treatment anyway! Cheers, Ben.
  16. bmass96


    Hi folks, I was just wondering what everyone else does in terms of sanitising their equipment on brewdays? I myself have a non-rinse powder, I chuck everything in my 5 gallon kettle and fill it with hot water, along with a tablespoon of the powder and give it a swish around, then leave it to...
  17. bmass96

    NEIPA brew/dry-hop advice

    Ah which case I didn't quite do it right! I'll have to revisit the notes. Cheers!
  18. bmass96

    NEIPA brew/dry-hop advice

    It was 10 days fermenting, then 4 days and a dry hop, then after another 2 weeks I tried it. I used pellets and put them directly into the FV. To be fair I'm still quite new to this scene so yeah, I followed the instructions as much as I could aunsure....
  19. bmass96

    Strainers for 5 gallon all-grain

    Would be interested to see! Half tempted to try something similar myself to be fair...
  20. bmass96

    Strainers for 5 gallon all-grain

    Cheers Steve, I'll give this a go. The trouble was the bag didn't seem to let anything through it - may aswell have had a carrier bag or something haha