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  1. photek1000

    Boiling water. What do you use?

    It was; 4.6KG of Pale Malt 50g Challenger @ 60min 18g EKG @ 10 10g Bobek @ Flame Out I do a 60\60 mash & boil It's based on the Graham Wheeler recipe.
  2. photek1000

    Boiling water. What do you use?

    70L may be overkill for now, but you may find a use for it further down the road at capacity, but it will work just as well for lower volumes. Heating a full volume of water in one though from cold will take a while unless you have a serious burner. I looked at going gas with 50L Shiny pots...
  3. photek1000

    Boiling water. What do you use?

    No melting, it’s basically just the same as a Peco bin but home built, standard off the shelf 2.4KW element, it has a large silicon washer inside and a metal locknut outside, they’re simple and don’t leak (kiss of death) I use the lid to get up to a boil and then dependant...
  4. photek1000

    In Line Filtration

    Yes they are definitely small particles and not great big chunks of malt, and i am pretty sure it will all drop out of suspension pretty quickly.
  5. photek1000

    Boiling water. What do you use?

    I did two yesterday in my electric boiler, plastic bin style, both about 28 litres pre-boil, I boil outside as I feel it will be easier to clean if anything were to happen. My boiler sits on a 40 year old folding wooden table with no issue and i tend to have the lid on with about a third open...
  6. photek1000

    In Line Filtration

    Cheers for the replies, hmm I thought it would gravity feed would be enough, but probably not. I do as described a slow open of the tap to a minimal level to help set the grain bed post mash during the vorlauf stage and that helps some, but yesterday I did seem to have more trub at the end than...
  7. photek1000

    In Line Filtration

    Has anyone ever used something similar to this when transferring from the kettle to the fermenter? I did two brews yesterday and there was quite a bit of trub in my sample jar and I'll assume also in my FVs. My Mash Tun...
  8. photek1000

    Finally a brew day

    Well that was a busy old day, but actually managed to come out ahead of my planned schedule. Came out 2 litres under volume and over OG on the Gold but OG was spot on after a cold water top up. The Porter was bang on, and after several hours in the No-Chill cube it was down to 30°c and a...
  9. photek1000

    Finally a brew day

    I assume your probably getting that from my old signature, tomorrow’s brews will be aiming at 23 litre into the FV for both.
  10. photek1000

    Finally a brew day

    Grain is pre-crushed so that's not a concern, the only thing I may in advance is get the initial water volume ready in the HLT and ready to go, I have a Inkbird 306T I won off this wonderful forum that will get it's first real go, I have tested it on a small 10 litre volume and it worked nicely...
  11. photek1000

    Finally a brew day

    Well it's been a while since my last post, don't get to visit this glorious forum much at the moment, busy at home and work have very unfairly blocked the site :-( Anyway, taken a day off work to get back on the Home Brew Horse, maybe a bit ambitious but planning a two brew day tomorrow...
  12. photek1000

    Cheap no chill containers

    I know it sounds a little counter intuitive, but I think I'd prefer the plain cap at 70p more, less to go wrong when using it as a No Chill Cube.
  13. photek1000

    Cheap no chill containers

    Looks like a good deal, doesn't really mention hot liquids but the material should be fine with it. You'll have to update once you have it as I plan a no chill double brew day next time I get a chance.
  14. photek1000

    Forum T Shirt.

    Mine arrived yesterday, great quality printing, haven't had a chance to try it on yet, thanks for getting these done :-)
  15. photek1000

    Pension age up to 68

    I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I will be working until the end of time.
  16. photek1000

    How to make Turbo Cider.

    Going to try a 5L batch of this as I do like a cider on the weekends, I've made real cider from the Mother in Laws tree before but it's a ball ache crushing and juicing all those apples. If I didn't want to carb for a still cider would it be ready to drink basically after fermentation of will...
  17. photek1000

    Conical or not

    So shiny..... That is a thing of beauty :-)
  18. photek1000

    The Idiot's Post Chaos era brew days

    I tend to allow 6 hours for a brew day from getting kit out and adding water to drying and putting the last item away, as all my kit like most people is stored and not a permenent set up I find there is plenty of dicking about at each end of the day. This is one of the reasons I am thinking...
  19. photek1000

    Mash Tuns and Acheiving Strike Temp

    As above, my Mash Tun is a home made insulated plastic bucket and I just whack a full kettle full of water into it whilst heating my water and empty it just before use. How much benefit it has in real terms is unknown but it feels like it should help :-)
  20. photek1000

    Whats your biggest gripe when bottling?

    I wash all my bottles when I have opened them to drink the contents, then on bottling day it's a rinse and sanitise, but the main thing I hate about bottling is just the sheer time it takes for a full batch, even with a decent bottle tree and a bench capper. My Little bottlers always seem to be...