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  1. beatsalma

    Chocolate stout recipe?

    Here is a recipe I made earlier this year using cocoa powder. Friends who tried it both told me it tasted like a chocolate milkshake. ABV was around 4% from memory. Last Minute Milk Stout 1.7kg OS Stout 500g LDM 300g Dextrose 150g Choc Malt 150g Crystal 75g Roasted Barley 300g Lactose 125g 100%...
  2. beatsalma

    First ginger. Beer

    I too Brewing ginger beer for the first time. I've two 5l demijohns on the go. basic recipe. 3 lemons per 5l 2 cups of ginger per 5l champagne yeast half packet of sugar (slightly less than pint) so.... 10 days in still fizzing, lemon sediment has come to top and ginger at bottom. I...