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  1. Spanners

    British app for home brewing

    Another great video from David Heath
  2. Spanners

    Crafty Maltsters

    They know how to tease brewer's like us
  3. Spanners

    Crafty Maltsters

    I and others found exactly the same, its good stuff
  4. Spanners

    British app for home brewing

    I used it many years ago via the windows app, I thought it was okay at the time, not sure if its changed a lot since, it has a big following in the States and lots of recipes on there web portal, I'm not sure if it has a big following in the UK?
  5. Spanners

    Crafty Maltsters

    Why not drop them an email --> [email protected] They usually reply pretty quickly
  6. Spanners

    Crafty Maltsters

    I've been using their ale malt for a the last two months, it's absolutely fine, I will be ordering again defo
  7. Spanners

    British app for home brewing

    Brewfather for me, it’s a yearly subscription ($19.99 per year or $1.99 per month) but you can try it for free for a month to check it out, after which the feature is restricted slightly. It’s very accurate and pretty easy to use, in the set up you can change to the units you want to use...
  8. Spanners

    Another malt supplier

    I'm sure lots of us here appreciate your efforts in trying to negotiate a better delivery price from them, I know I do so got to say thank you for taking the time.
  9. Spanners

    Another malt supplier

    Nice one, I will using them again, defo.
  10. Spanners

    Another malt supplier

    It’s funny you should mention the more than expected extraction rate from their malt, I purchased a 25kg bag of POPS Pale Ale Malt from "Crafty Maltsters" and I’ve done three brews using it, they all came out much higher OG than I was aiming for in the brew calculators I am using which normally...
  11. Spanners

    Recipe Search (Fed Special)

    HaHa Okay I promise, just the ale recipe will do :cool:
  12. Spanners

    Recipe Search (Fed Special)

    Thank's Clint I think I know the post your referring to but it's incomplete, whats the EBU's, Gavity's, ABV etc, a bit more info would be of help.
  13. Spanners

    Recipe Search (Fed Special)

    Back in the 70’s onward in the north of England clubs they used to serve a beer called “Federation Special Ale” (from Northern Clubs Federation Brewery). I have a variation of this recipe but I'm trying to trace the version from Graham Wheeler’s First Edition of “Brew your own British Real Ale”...
  14. Spanners

    Another malt supplier

    I got a 25kg sack of Pops pale Malt and it’s perfectly okay, I thought the same as most of the people on here that the postage was a bit high but decided to get a sack anyway. I guess the choice is yours, you either want some base malt to get brewing or you can wait for things to get back to...
  15. Spanners

    * October Give Away * It's MASSIVE!

    Oh yeah, fill me up!
  16. Spanners

    Forum Member Map.

    DH5 0GS
  17. Spanners

    AG#12 London Pride Clone 31/10/09

    I brewed London Pride a few weeks back and it turned out just like the original, a really great tasting beer. I’m not sure if the recipe I used is the same as yours as I don't know the one in GW's book. Here's the recipe I used (obtained from another site). Is this the same as the one you...
  18. Spanners

    A question of size

    Thanks for your rapid answers guys .... While on the topic of the converting the cooler, would you recomend that I try and beef up the insulation in the box? I have read a few posts where some guys have used foil and bubble rap. Ive also read that when the grain is added the box will tend to...
  19. Spanners

    A question of size

    Hi Everyone, Having brewed beer many years ago from cans of wart I have decided get back into brewing and have a go at full grain brewing and so I recently joined the forum for some tips. I have decided to convert a cooler box for my mash tun. I’ve purchased one from Wilkinsons for under £7...