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  1. C

    Aldi electric beer tap

    Solution to a problem that never existed!
  2. C

    Brewer coming back

    Welcome to the forums! Lots of info on here!
  3. C

    Anchor are back.

    Good news this. The first AG batch I ever brewed back in the day was an anchor steam clone and it turned out stunning!
  4. C

    Hi from new member

    Hi and welcome to the forum!
  5. C

    Kveik voss

    Too long IMO. Ditch it!
  6. C

    flippin raging I am

    Wow, and I am annoyed at having to do a 15 mile round trip to get my refills!
  7. C

    Party tap barb hose to push fit

    If its standard beer line then it will be 3/8"
  8. C

    Equipment Wanted Brewing Kit wanted.

    Thanks but already contacted him and it's all gone! Don't worry Ive searched the current listings already, It was more to tempt someone into selling who hasn't listed!
  9. C

    Equipment Wanted Brewing Kit wanted.

    Long time member here and long time brewer. I sold my original 100l home brew kit a long time ago when I went commercial. Had a commercial brewery with 1000L plant for 10 years. We did Cask, Keg and Cans. Im out of the commercial now and looking for a small full setup if anyone has anything for...
  10. C

    Dry Hopping

    Dry hop the first amounts after 3 days in the fermenter Dry hop the second amounts after 7 days in the fermenter Ferment for the first 7 days at 19c, then let it rise to 21c for the next 3 days, then crash cool to 4c for 5 days, then you can rack. Leave the dry hops in until you rack
  11. C

    Adding water post boil for 2 fvs

    To be able to HG brew to 50% you'll need a big grain bill and hardly any sparge water so your efficiency will drop off a cliff. Also, due to the high concentration, there is reduced utilisation of hops during the wort kettle boil. A further disadvantage of HG brewing is that following dilution...
  12. C

    Adding water post boil for 2 fvs

    As a rule of thumb, I would never use more than 20% to top up post boil. 50% is way too much!
  13. C

    100L brew pots for sale

    Sorry but i don't have any packaging big enough for these. They would prob have to go on a pallet so its just pickup only im afraid.
  14. C

    100L brew pots for sale

    Need them gone so can do £35 collected if your interested!
  15. C

    100L brew pots for sale

    They are still available!
  16. C

    100L brew pots for sale

    The 2.4kw kettle elements are. and the 3kw LWD can be bought here: I just want rid because they are taking up space and i no longer use them, hence the extremely low price.