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  1. A

    Soft water and it's effects on the mash

    A tsp of Gypsum or calcium chloride in the mash and one in the boil would go a long way to improving your calcium levels . . .you can possibly even go up to two tsp for darker beers / highly hopped beers
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    Water hardness at 427ppm

    0.3ml of AMS/CRS should reduce the alkalinity by 183 * 0.3 or 59ppm so starting with 79 you should have ended up with 20 not 45 . . . At least you didn't over acidify 43 would be fine for a Pale ale anyway. You can test your acid strength as follows Weigh 10L into a container, measure the...
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    Water hardness at 427ppm

    Asda Smartprice is a good water to start with . . They must bottle it near me as it's very close to what comes out of my tap :D. Alkalinity in terms of carbonates (at the pH of 6.5 to 7.5 it's all present as hydrogen carbonate anyway :roll:), is perhaps borderline for pale ales and lagers where...
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    Water hardness at 427ppm

    I'm going to throw some words of caution in here. This will come across as a bit fatuous but what the heck. "Unless you understand water chemistry, don't offer people advice based on what you do with your water, for your beers." It may, probably will, be wholly inappropriate for another brewer...
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    A programmer goes shopping

    That was me :D She has to be very careful when giving me instructions :D
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    Define "Boil"

    In manual mode the Auber pids allow you to adjust the percentage of time the power is applied to the element. So you can dial in 100% until the wort is boiling (the power is applied for 100% of the cycle time - usually 2 seconds, but it is configurable) so you get the full 3KW being applied...
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    Define "Boil"

    No with either a phase angle controller or a burst fire rectifier, you can reduce the power you apply to the element . . . . I have one of these for my Electric system . . . mine is a Phase angle controller rated to 15A, and while slightly cheaper than a BFR the additional gubbins required to...
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    Craft Brewers - Pembrokeshire

    Ali Kocho Williams is down that way PM alikocho on here ;)
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    Look what was waiting for me when I got home

    Sterilising stuff for yeast work . . . and Yeast starters I may even use it for canning things and pressure cooking stuff . . . but mostly it will be used as an autoclave. And can't be beaten as a decoction kettle :D
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    Look what was waiting for me when I got home

    Got back from food shopping to find this in the hall . . . I wonder what I can be??? Well look what's in the box It's a big beastie In it's proper environment . . .And that is a 5L conical poking it's head out No problem fitting the lid with a 5L conical in place, with the rack in...
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    It's not too late for our kids... please read some of this

    I'm more worried about the effects of dihydrogen monoxide
  12. A

    Easiest way to sterilise 40 odd bottles

    Alkalinity and calcium ;) . . . Even my water which has very little in it will turn starsan cloudy, and while people say you can use it if it's cloudy as long as the pH is below 3, I can be bothered getting the pH meter out to test it, if using a known bottled water does the job for pennies.
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    Easiest way to sterilise 40 odd bottles

    Starsan is no rinse, I use the 'expensive' water as it's the best to make it up, as it does not go cloudy when made up . . . I found some in the shed that was about 9 months old . . . clear as a bell and non slimy . . .way to go starsan. I have always (in the 30 odd years I've been brewing)...
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    Easiest way to sterilise 40 odd bottles

    What ? to make a sanitiser solution . . . Nah!
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    Easiest way to sterilise 40 odd bottles

    I suppose that running them through the dish washer doesn't come under brewing expenses so slips under the radar as far as costs are concerned . . . Personally I think 8ml of starsan and a 5L bottle of Tesco Ashbeck once a month comes in at a considerable cost saving. :wha: :wha:
  16. A

    Liquid yeast out of date

    I recovered a wyeast pack that was only 4.5 years old. . . Started in 4 days too.
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    The use of Leaf Gelatine

    Follow GA's method, you are not too worried about it's setting ability as you are not actually using it to set the beer.
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    Chlorine removal

    As Pittsy says, no real contact time is needed if you put teh crushed CT or metabisulphite solution in the vessel and then fill. If you do it the other ways round give it a stir and wait 5 minutes. . . by the time the liquor is up to temperature the reaction will have taken place anyway.
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    SOLD: Two 19L Cornies

    Paypal is fine or Cash on Collection
  20. A

    SOLD: Two 19L Cornies

    Yeah, but I can drop the parcel off round the corner with myHerpes, rater than stay in to wait for a collection :D