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  1. Jon75

    bbiab #1 Bitter to the end

    It probably was, it didn't look particularly clean! Hopefully 40 minutes in boiling wort will have sterilized it and not cause any issues. Only one way to find out...
  2. Jon75

    Woodfordes Wherry Review

    I've just added a brew day thread about how I got on with that biab. As for the Wherry, I should mention that a few weeks ago I gave a friend at work a bottle of this along with a bottle of extract Sarah Hughes Dark Ruby Mild which I think is probably the best brew I have done so far. My...
  3. Jon75

    bbiab #1 Bitter to the end

    I found myself with some extra time today so I thought I would finally getting round to my first bbiab with the geterbrewed bitter to the end As my water is rather hard I did some basic water treatment first kit. using the calculator here. By basic, I just added half a campden tablet, CRS...
  4. Jon75

    NHS cyber-attack hits GPs and hospitals in England

    This is not restricted to the NHS. Apparently at least 74 countries have been affected by this attack.
  5. Jon75

    Woodfordes Wherry Review

    I definitely agree with giving this a month or longer. I am just finishing my final bottle of this after a good few months and it is a very nice pint. Even though I've since moved on to extract and got everything ready for my first bbiab, I will do this kit again.
  6. Jon75

    £9 a pint

    I agree. I recently had a half pint of a barley wine that was £3.60 and this was at a festival so I am guessing would be cheaper than pub prices. I also recently paid about £6 for a 500ml bottle of Jaipur X. My local beer shop also sells Rochefort 10 which I think was about £5 for a...
  7. Jon75

    Woodfordes Wherry Review

    Just thought I would share my experience with this kit so far as I finally got round to brewing and tasting it. My OG and FG where about right with no stuck fermentation. I had it in my cool brewing bag at a constant 17C or so for 2 weeks. It has now been in the bottle for 3 weeks and recently...
  8. Jon75

    Extract beer process - cooling

    From my, admittedly limited, experience of extract brewing 12 litres of cold water is not nearly enough to bring the temperature down enough so you can pitch yeast. I just stuck my 5l pan in the sink for half an hour or so, even then topping up to 23 litres in the FV still gave a temperature of...
  9. Jon75

    Top choice kit for winter

    I've got 15 of my summer glow, 15 HBC extract blonde, 8 dunkel, perhaps 12 tripel and 39 bottles of wherry will be ready in a few weeks... I think I need to put another brew on... :lol:
  10. Jon75

    Top choice kit for winter

    They are not cheap, but I guess extract is the most expensive way of brewing. I got one of their summer glow kits for about £22 I think it was which wasn't too bad considering it makes 23L. Easily the nicest brew I have done so far too. As for Christmas beer, my Brewferm Tripel should be...
  11. Jon75

    Re: Festival Razorback IPA Review

    They belong to my downstairs neighbour so can't do anything about them... As for the FG question above, my FG was 1.004 I think, it was my OG that was a little low.
  12. Jon75

    Cheapest brew

    I picked up a blonde ale extract kit from HBC for £14.40, last time I checked it was still at this price. That worked out at 35p per bottle and is by far the nicest beer I have made so far. The only extra kit I used was a 5l stockpot.
  13. Jon75

    The Home Brew Company Full Extract Golden Pale Ale

    I got their blonde ale extract kit for £14.40 and have just started drinking it. Although the head retention isn't great it smells and tastes just like I would expect for a blonde ale and I am very impressed with it. Fermentation was 2 weeks at a constant 18C I think it was and it has been in...
  14. Jon75

    The Home Brew Company Full Extract Golden Pale Ale

    Edit: Double post
  15. Jon75

    Geterbrewed have got the Cool Brewing Bag in

    I recently bottled a brupaks munich dunkel. Although it was only 10l, I was able to keep the temperature between 12-13C with just 3 2l bottles, swapped twice a day.
  16. Jon75

    What did you brew today?

    Today I brewed a Summer Glow extract kit. Pit of a pain with only a 5.7l stockpot but I almost hit my OG, although I forgot to stir it before taking the measurement. My flat now has a lovely brewery smell to it :lol: This should keep me going for a while, I bottled 10l of a brupaks munich...
  17. Jon75

    Festival Razorback IPA

    It wasn't solid in mine, it took a few weeks for them to clear and I had to be careful when pouring to avoid getting sediment in.
  18. Jon75

    Festival Razorback IPA

    My OG was only 1.046 but I realised later when I calibrated my FV this was slightly over 23l. Fermentation took 16 days with a final gravity of 1.004. From what I remember it started fairly quickly and was quite active for a while. Lovely pint too, only got 2 bottles left and although I've now...
  19. Jon75

    Beer pipeline

    I'm assuming a sudden interest in archaeology in the area would be a complete coincidence :whistle:
  20. Jon75

    Geterbrewed have got the Cool Brewing Bag in

    Thanks for the information. All I can say at the moment is that 3 litres is keeping a constant temperature of 18C at the moment and the airlock is bubbling away quite nicely. I was initially a bit sceptical about paying over £50 for what is essentially a big insulated bag but so far I am...