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  1. Jon75


    Looking good. Same here, a couple of months ago I had perhaps 6 chillies across 2 plants. Now I have dozens, doubt they will grow and ripen now but quite a few are starting to change colour.
  2. Jon75

    Help with re-using spent grains for a second brew

    Check out this article on partigyle brewing, apparently it is a rather old technique and something I have looked into myself but not yet tried. http:/// Randy Mosher in Radical Brewing also discusses this technique and adding fresh grains to...
  3. Jon75

    Beerworks (LoveBrewing) Founders Double American IPA

    The beerworks kits are extract kits yes and no boiling is required other than adding a small amount of boiling water to the hops. I have just started drinking the Kentish bitter kit and it is rather nice so far despite only being in the bottle 3-4 weeks. The part grain kits come with grains for...
  4. Jon75

    Headless Bitter

    This kit was also my first biab and I also got no head. Or rather, a slight head that completely disappeared within a few seconds. Age made no difference. My next 2 brews however did and my most recent has got just the right amount. See how it goes when you buy your own ingredients rather than...
  5. Jon75

    Beerworks Barley Wine

    Okay, I contacted love brewing and got a reply back in a few minutes, it should come with crystal malt and is being sent Monday. If anyone is interested, it also comes with 3*1.2kg LME, 500g dextrose and 2 packs of hops to make 14 litres. Looking forward to this one.
  6. Jon75

    Beerworks Barley Wine

    Anyone done this extract kit? I just noticed that it is supposed to come with 200g crystal but I didn't seem to get any with mine.
  7. Jon75

    Bus-push jogger suspect arrested

    At the very least he should be charged with attempted murder.
  8. Jon75

    Dutch Eggs

    700,000 eggs is slightly more than the 21,000 they initially said. Didn't the Dutch know about this last year? Also, didn't Belgium wait at least a month or so too before saying anything?
  9. Jon75

    One race, fight too far.

    I can understand his retirement. He achieved everything he wanted to, doesn't need the money and probably lost the desire. Better to retire from boxing rather than boxing retire him. I say good luck to him.
  10. Jon75

    fast fermentation?

    Thanks for posting those pictures, that is a great set up. I think I need to arrange a brewery tour myself, no doubt I will learn so much. This beer has only been in the bottle 13 days but I just tried it. Easily the most clear beer (you could probably read through it!) I have done so far...
  11. Jon75


    Evidence suggests that the cheats benefit for years or even decades after they become clean. If this can be proven, then any ban has to be for life.
  12. Jon75

    Muntons, Smugglers Special Premium Ale Review

    I just brewed this kit this morning. OG came out surprisingly high at 1.056 at 25C, pitched yeast when it cooled a little. Looking forward to this one, lovely colour, smell and taste even now.
  13. Jon75

    Camra,,, wtf?

    I will say one thing about CAMRA, the beer magazine is often rather a good read and sometimes has interesting recipes. Also, if you go to enough beer festivals you could easily end up saving if you join, especially when they do offers for joining (I got £5 free beer at the festival when I...
  14. Jon75

    fast fermentation?

    Funny you should say that actually. Now that activity has slowed right down, the temperature is now showing 18C. Anyway, I decided to dry hop this with my remaining 25g of EKG. I am aiming to bottle next Saturday.
  15. Jon75

    fast fermentation?

    Temperature was about 21C in my cool brewing bag. I actually followed the instruction on the yeast and rehydrated in warm water (can't remember what T it said to use, but it was about 30 I think) before pitching too. The wort was also oxygenated rather well too. Thanks for the reply, looks...
  16. Jon75

    fast fermentation?

    I did a biab last Wednesday with some ingredients I had left over. 4.9kg MO, 100g Crystal with fuggles/EKG (aiming for a strong golden), giving an OG of 1.054. Next morning it was bubbling constantly, as in 2 or 3 times a second. Fast forward to this morning and airlock activity has stopped...
  17. Jon75


    These days I tend to get plants at the garden centre. Managed to pick up a Chocolate Habanero and a Carolina Reaper recently. When I had a greenhouse and a conservatory I grew from seed and had about 40 plants on the go at any one time. I tended to pick up seeds either online (various places) or...
  18. Jon75

    Cool Brewing Fermentation Bag

    I had a 15l FV down to 11C during summer last year and there was plenty of room for more ice if needed. I agree with a comment above, this has probably made the biggest difference to my brewing.
  19. Jon75

    Top three hops..

    EKG Fuggles Marynka
  20. Jon75

    bbiab #1 Bitter to the end

    I thought I would give a quick update. Activity started rather quickly, the next day the airlock was bubbling a couple of times a second, it stayed that way until just recently when it stopped altogether. The yeast is Safale 04 by the way. The temperature has been around 20C too. I thought I...