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  1. RoboBrewBot5000

    Brewery space disaster

    This guided meditation may be of use...
  2. RoboBrewBot5000


    Update: I have used a vinegar and bicarb paste on the bottom of the element AND also some kettle descale (we have hard water) and these seem to almost have returned the element to shiny factory new. I'm thinking maybe some scale had built up which was causing some of the fine mash particulate...
  3. RoboBrewBot5000


    Thanks, I am using a little crystal malt which I've not really used before but ont think this would cause a problem. I'm sure I'll get to the I do indeed have a fullhorn. I like the idea of draining the wort after the mash to see if there's an issue there. I'll do that next time I brew. I...
  4. RoboBrewBot5000


    Thanks, I am using a little crystal malt which I've not really used before but ont think this would cause a problem. I'm sure I'll get to the bottom of it.
  5. RoboBrewBot5000


    Hello All, it seems after maybe 10-11 batches on my Klarstein mash/boil kettle, I have some across a problem. I brewed an IPA on Sunday which tasted like Ash. The element at the bottom had a dark and heavily burnt on residue. I had to chuck the beer. I cleaned the element using PBW (3 lots)...
  6. RoboBrewBot5000

    Disaster OMG!

    Rebrew: I recently brewed a German Pilsner, and I have to say, it was probably the best beer I've ever made. 😀
  7. RoboBrewBot5000

    Anglian Craft Brewers Homebrew Competition 2023

    Just registered an entry for first competition so looking forward to getting some feedback from people who know a thing or 2 about beer! If anyone else is local to Ipswich I'm sure there could be a compelling reason to meet up for a pint or 7 in September!
  8. RoboBrewBot5000

    Change one letter (5 letter)

  9. RoboBrewBot5000

    Price Hikes

    For what it's worth, buying 25kg of grain from malt miller really dropped my costs compared to the local homebrew shop. I mostly buy my hops from CML which seem reasonable cost-wise for small quantities. As I've started to harvest and reuse yeast, I find my costs pre batch have really come down...
  10. RoboBrewBot5000

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    I'll let you know...Will be a few brews down the line though
  11. RoboBrewBot5000

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    So, I have brewed a SN clone once, and whilst not as good, I would say, I did manage to get it pretty close, especially on appearance and aroma. I have since propogated the yeast from a SN bottle and used it successfully in two other brews. (Pale ales). As I'm now on the 3rd generation of that...
  12. RoboBrewBot5000

    Mashing at 96C by mistake!! HELP!

    This is what I thought. The odd thing was, when I heated the strike water to 67 all three of my thermometers including the integral one read more or less the same. After I'd added the grain, I'd expect a temp drop, but the temperature of the water when I drew some water off to check the temp of...
  13. RoboBrewBot5000

    Mashing at 96C by mistake!! HELP!

    I have a kalrstein and I found last brew that although the integral thermometer was reading 65, the temp of the water after I had pulled a few litres through the tap was up to 70. Not sure if this is reflecting the mash temperature accurately, any ideas? For clarity: I had the grains in a bag...
  14. RoboBrewBot5000

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    The last bottle of a wheat lager I did back in November. This was a somewhat experimental brew but resulted in a really clean and crisp lager. I had used up some left over American hops so bittered and whirlpooled with those, which left quite a nice subtle fruitiness. This beer is not unlike...
  15. RoboBrewBot5000

    Yeast Propagation

    Further update: finished beer was good. Not exceptional, but more than drinkable (probably my choice of hops more than anytbing else). Have since harvested and reused the yeast from this brew for a cider and another pale Ale. All of which have turned out well. Looking forward to the next brew...
  16. RoboBrewBot5000

    Change one letter (5 letter)

  17. RoboBrewBot5000

    What did you brew today?

    Got my brew on last night. This time an American light lager, split batch into two fermenters one with w3470 starter harvested from a previous batch, currently bubbling away at room temp, the other with s23 which is to be fermented at 12 degrees. Still trying to figure out my new set up so...
  18. RoboBrewBot5000

    What did you brew today?

    Many thanks....I'll give it a shot
  19. RoboBrewBot5000

    What did you brew today?

    Think bout brewing an oktoberfest to share the recipe?
  20. RoboBrewBot5000

    What did you brew today?

    This evening I am brewing a lovely single hop ale using the greg hughes recipe with amarillo. Splitting the base malt 50:50 pale malt / pilsner malt. Hoping for an epic beer here....