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  1. R

    AG #4 Vanilla Bourbon Porter

    Sounds great. For me, it sounds like you got the vanilla right. It should be there, but should be very subtle and just enhance the stout flavour.
  2. R

    Easy Keg 5L

    That's a shame. Creamy stouts!!!
  3. R

    Easy Keg 5L

    Sounds good to me. I see you can buy Nitrogen in that size too. Please let us know how it turns out.
  4. R

    Plate chiller

    I use this one: It's excellent, and chills to less than 20c in a few minutes. My advice: Recirculate the chilled wort back into the kettle so that you can monitor temperature change easily. This is lightly slower than doing a...
  5. R

    Leftover IIPA

    I guess it's worth remembering that for example, this is still weaker than most wines, and I can quite easily polish off a few glasses of wine in a night. With beer, I tend to stick to lighter stuff and then later on go for something intense which is often a lot stronger.
  6. R

    Leftover IIPA

    Looks fun. I've not brewed a DIPA myself, but Mitch Steele reckons that if you want to brew it "to style" then it shouldn't have a lot of malt to obstruct the hops coming through. However, I've tried examples that fit that bill (Brewdog Hardcore IPA for example) and I'm not a massive fan. I...
  7. R

    Taste testing yeast

    I've had some cask ales which have shown this character before. I always assumed it was a fault, but maybe it is indeed the yeast. I have to say though, I don't really like it.
  8. R

    Taste testing yeast

    Oh, and great way to taste yeasts in isolation. I wouldn't have thought of doing that.
  9. R

    Taste testing yeast

    Could this have been acetaldehyde? Perhaps the fruitiness may have subsided with time.
  10. R

    Anyone used Topaz before?

    I found that Galaxy was slightly astringent when I used it as a single hop. I believe it came about when dry hopping as I couldn't detect it pre-fermentation, though it could have been masked. I'd have a little search on Google, as I wish I had before I'd used it. It has a lovely, lovely...
  11. R

    All Grain Barley Wine

    12 litres, so I think I ended up with something like 40 stubby bottles and the rest are 330ml. Enough to kill a small horse anyway.
  12. R

    All Grain Barley Wine

    More so the malt. I certainly wouldn't say it isn't hoppy as it is, but it has all that malt to battle with, plus the beer has to be aged before drinking. Hoping I can maybe hold onto some for twelve months at least. Also, the head retention is very good which is surprising for the ABV. It's...
  13. R

    Water Chemistry!

    Maybe he referred to it as a "risky malt".
  14. R

    All Grain Barley Wine

    Just opened my first bottle of this last night, and honestly, it's pretty amazing. I wish it had been my recipe and not Mikkeller's! It's typical of a good barley wine: caramel, toffee, butterscotch flavours, and it's almost as if it's slightly salty as its so rich. Hop aroma is still there...
  15. R

    Easy Keg 5L

    Oh FFS, now I'm going to have to walk up to Tesco!
  16. R

    Is it me or my hydrometer.

    A little lactose could help.
  17. R

    Is it me or my hydrometer.

    You could add a small amount of sacharine to help sweetness. Also, you could choose something less fermentable than table sugar for your secondary (bottle) fermentation.
  18. R

    chocolate orange Ale/stout

    Pellets are just pre-crushed hop flowers. Both are good and have their own slight advantages/disadvantages.
  19. R

    Easy Keg 5L

    This is a handy guide:
  20. R

    Coffee Blonde Brewday

    Sounds mental!