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  1. R

    US-04 banana esters

    They will be bombs..... Rouse and raise the temperature to low 20s, then check the gravity in a few days.
  2. R

    carmalising a wort

    I would take 4-5L and boil to a thick syrup. Should reach around 120c at caramelisation. You can't mimic the flavour you get from this by using speciality malts, though you may be able to get close. It seems almost add a butterscotch-like flavour which could potentially be confused with...
  3. R

    Plate chiller

    Just a wallwart AC adapter. Stripped connector off the end and wired with terminal block to the pump. I have an adjustable voltage model so can slow it down if need be.
  4. R

    Does fermentation temperature make a difference

    This. In the past, I've mistakenly brewed ale yeasts at 22c and it took months for the esters to subside. For me, I like a cool fermentation, so long as the yeast can handle it.
  5. R

    First AG mini brew Sierra Nevada Clone

    Have you dry hopped yet? You can probably safely leave the wort on the yeast bed for several weeks.
  6. R

    S-04 yeast attenuation

    Is that man a midget?
  7. R

    Summit and Athanum IPA - Recipe advise

    You get that sweaty/oniony aroma in a few American hops. Dead Pony Club smells very sweaty.
  8. R

    S-04 yeast attenuation

    One of the guys at Brew Store in Edinburgh told me this too.
  9. R

    First AG mini brew Sierra Nevada Clone

    Have you tried warming it up to low 20s, like 22c? US-05 doesn't flocculate out very easily, but I'd still swirl the fermenting vessel anyway. EDIT: you've already hit 22c, I see..... If it doesn't move any more, I would personally try dry hopping and bottling it on the assumption that your...
  10. R

    London Porter

    If it were me, I'd swirl the fermenter and check it (the gravity) in a couple of days to see if it has moved. That should hopefully help to absorb some of the top layer of yeast back into the wort too.
  11. R

    Weizenbock Brewday

    How are you fermenting, out of interest? Fridge, or somewhere cold in the house?
  12. R

    Weizenbock Brewday

    I'd keep that lid from being on for another reason: to drive off DMS. I do find I have to keep my 35L pan partially covered by the lid to get up to a vigorous boil though.
  13. R

    S-04 yeast attenuation

    So far just the 1056 (Californian, ie. US-05) and the 1728 (Edinburgh). I originally moaned about the 1728 but I didn't give it long enough to swell before pitching as it was a few months old. Worked well once it kicked off. The 1056 started vigorous activity within only a couple of hours or so...
  14. R

    Plate chiller

    Brew builder were excellent. I've only used them once, but the owner is friendly and kept me up to date with my order. This is the pump I used, but I ordered on eBay with free hose barbs:
  15. R

    Plate chiller

    Absolutely correct. I couldn't find one with the same capacity as the one at brew builder though. This is based on number of plates (you can count them by looking at a side-on photo) and unit volume. If you are happy to wait slightly longer for chilling then one of these boiler heat...
  16. R

    S-04 yeast attenuation

    I've used the Wyeast smack-packs which are easy and excellent in use. Back on topic, I seem to recall that S-04 is the Whitbread strain. It does floc well. But if I had the choice, I'd probably go for some slightly cloudier US-05 as it has so little flavour.
  17. R

    Summit and Athanum IPA - Recipe advise

    Ahtanum is nice. I've heard it compared to cascade before, but having tried it in a single-hop pale, I find it has a unique flavour. You may recognise it in Brewdog Punk IPA. Do you have a decent wort chiller? If not, I'd be tempted to make your last addition at flame-out.
  18. R

    Advice on a recipe please...

    I always think that people should suggest existing examples of beer which they like, as it makes it easier to suggest something else to try making.
  19. R

    S-04 yeast attenuation

    Yes, and a little "bready" too. I'm not a massive fan, but I think it's ok. I'd like to try some more English strains.
  20. R

    Spirit additions to Dry Stout

    I'd maybe try adding some bourbon barrel chips, but adding spirits? Not for me anyway.