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  1. R

    Is anyone brewing anything from DIYDOG yet?

    It makes sense. The Scotch ale style would typically use low AA English hops like Goldings. Lots of them adds flavour with little bitterness. Scottish yeasts have a lower fermentation temperature, so I guess they must have experimented with using lager yeast to see if they could gain some of the...
  2. R

    Is anyone brewing anything from DIYDOG yet?

    Dogma and Jet Black Heart are two of the best beers I've ever drunk.
  3. R

    Brewdog - DIYDog
  4. R

    Mikkeller Green Gold IPA Inspired Brew - Peco BIAB

    Green Gold is a fantastic beer. I highly recommend that Mikkeller book.
  5. R

    London And South East Craft Beer Competition.

    It's what I have already prepared for it. I just don't know if it's my best beer, but then at least the category will likely be smaller since most people seem to be brewing pales and IPAs these days.
  6. R

    Imperial BLIPA - No krausen, little Co2

    Also, hydrate dry yeast before using it. It's easy enough to do.
  7. R

    Imperial BLIPA - No krausen, little Co2

    It's pretty essential that you monitor the fermentation temperature. Hard to get consistent results otherwise.
  8. R

    Carafa Special 3 in Black IPA

    It'll start to get really roasty as you get over 5%. I usually went something like 5% with half of it only added at the sparge stage.
  9. R

    Hobgoblin gold

    It's been mentioned here already, but I'd maybe be careful on the relative amount of Nelson used; I usually add something like 2/3 Nelson additions compared to the other hops so as not to overpower too much. Depends on the recipe though, really.
  10. R

    Hobgoblin gold

    This is some good investigation work. I guess make sure you've absolutely smashed all the CO2 out when you make another gravity measurement. I think you are possibly right about the additional perceived sweetness if the gravity is indeed 1.007. I'm not sure about Munich/Vienna though. I've...
  11. R

    Hobgoblin gold

    Haha! Of course. Autocorrected hops. This beer is much better on cask than it is on bottle/minikeg by the way. Nothing wrong with the shop version, but a fresh pint on cask is actually a fantastic beer.
  12. R

    Hobgoblin gold

    Something like this would be in the rough ballpark: Try plugging some numbers into Brewers Friend. That was for a 20L batch, so factor down to size. Nelson is a strong flavoured hop, so it can overpower the others. I generally knock it back a little compared to the rest.
  13. R

    Hobgoblin gold

    Clues on their website:
  14. R

    Hobgoblin gold

    You should be able to brew something better than the original, I reckon. Malt: probably Maris Otter as a base malt, and wheat. Try 90% MO and 10% wheat. The wheat gives it a slightly more viscous mouth-feel and helps to give a frothy head. Apparently they use four hops. I'm sure one of them...
  15. R

    London And South East Craft Beer Competition.

    It's full up now, I'm afraid. I have one entry, but not sure whether I should do porter, scotch, or barley wine yet.
  16. R

    London And South East Craft Beer Competition.

    Anyone else doing this?
  17. R

    Imperial stout 10%+

    Oh, and regarding the yeast, I wouldn't worry too much. I hit 11% with Wyeast 1056 (wet US-05) and I reckon it could go further. If it were me, I'd have a look at the Fullers strain, purely because I've had such good results with it, especially as far as flocculation goes. I thin the...
  18. R

    Imperial stout 10%+

    If you are brewing this strong, then search for guides on brewing "big beer". It's more difficult in some ways as you end up with less efficiency due to less sparging. Stick with a known-good recipe, otherwise you'll be wondering if it's you or the recipe if you have any off flavours later...
  19. R

    Bad luck so pissed off

    Red ink possibly from China? No thanks!
  20. R

    Is this possible

    I would suggest looking at some lagers and maybe schwarz biers. Anything that has a very low final gravity. Can't help on the gluten front, I'm afraid.