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  1. GlentoranMark

    Can a Conservative and DUP pact work?

    I normally vote UUP but tactically voted DUP (East Belfast) to keep Alliance out. DUP was formed by the Rev Ian Paisley who breathed fire and brimstone with religion but the current DUP are many former UUP members (Arlene Foster and Jeffery Donaldson spring to mind). Yes they still have that...
  2. GlentoranMark

    ag systems...

    I was given a regular Peco boiler by a fellow forum member Niman and had purchased a few extras including a mashing bag, false bottom, hop socks etc. The regular bin doesn't temperature control, it just reaches a boil so mashing isn't great even with wrapping well in towels. The element packed...
  3. GlentoranMark

    ag systems...

    I bought the Peco Digital Mashing Bin and attached a small 12v pump (<£5 from China) for recirculation and done it BIAB. What a revelation, I've brewed my clearest beer to date and efficiency improved massively (so much so I had to dilute the wort).
  4. GlentoranMark

    Sediment / force carbing / filtering

    Also if you are going to bring a barrel, bring it a week early to give the yeast time to settle during transport. I mistakenly brought a Stout of mine for a mate but it shook up while I was bringing it round, not only did it explode when opening, the yeast mixed through the beer spoiling the...
  5. GlentoranMark

    Sediment / force carbing / filtering

    Unfortunately not, I had the same thoughts as you when I first started brewing. There is not enough C02 in those small bullets to force carb (or it would take a helluva lot of them). They are mainly used for serving purposes, not to add C02 into the beer. If you want to force carb then you need...
  6. GlentoranMark

    Advice on cloudy brew

    Leave it 2 weeks and put it in a fridge if you can. Cold crashing will work wonders but (never used it) gelatin will also help. Leave it longer imo.
  7. GlentoranMark

    Another major incident in london

    Yep, a handful on BBC news earlier saying love London, great, a start. Why not get a load of them and surround the hate Mosques like Holburn? I'll tell you why because the fear from within. If you speak out then you are also a target. I have now a hatred for Islam, it's in the book to lie and...
  8. GlentoranMark

    Another major incident in london

    I also disagree with this although you do have some valid points. Islamic terrorism comes from within, there is no structure to the organisation. You don't infiltrate a cell when it's just one brainwashed nutter. I can only go by my own experiences in NI but hate breeds hate. I was complicit...
  9. GlentoranMark

    Another major incident in london

    As a post above say's that I totally agree with, single faith schools are part of the problem. It drove me to hate as a youth which I'm still guilty at times but which I'd like to think I've got over mostly. I've found reasoning and arguing a point is much mightier than any sword tho but Islam...
  10. GlentoranMark

    Another major incident in london

    Joking about what? I understand why Moslem's don't speak out, it's them against us. I'm deadly serious on lobotomy's as this brainwashing is indoctrined from a very early age. Death is more important than life to Moslem's and the more I find out about this religion the more it scares me.
  11. GlentoranMark

    Another major incident in london

    Islamic clerics encourage lone wolf attacks so intelligence isn't always the best. This isn't some IRA that can be negotiated with, it is an ideology that can't be reasoned with. Where is the massive wave of revulsion from the Muslim community? Why aren't they marching on hate Mosques...
  12. GlentoranMark

    Another major incident in london

    Yeah, apologies, I didn't read the full post. I got incensed when I read the opening statement and made my reply. I could have deleted my post but felt it better to leave it up as I knew a few would read. Again apologies.
  13. GlentoranMark

    Another major incident in london

    I'd like to "like" your status but this is ridiculous. If you don't mind I'd like to share your experience and let others know what Uber were up to. Many taxi's opened their doors for free last night, they should be commended. I'll never use Uber now I know this.
  14. GlentoranMark

    Another major incident in london

    I said that after the last attack, all roads should have these every 3 or 4 feet apart. This would also prevent ram raids which seem to happen all too frequently. In saying that, if you close one avenue down for these terrorists they find another way to attack. It's the nature of terrorism...
  15. GlentoranMark

    Another major incident in london

    I have said that the only way to deradicalise them is to lobotomise them. This would actually work BTW and no need for jails. I live close to an interface in NI (2 minutes walk) where there still is the odd bit of trouble but I grew up in a Protestant only school knowing only Protestant people...
  16. GlentoranMark

    Another major incident in london

    All police should be armed like they are in NI. You rarely hear of an incident involving a police gun here as the police themselves know it is really a last resort. I feel that last night's incident could have been lessened if there were armed police in the area. 8 minutes was a great response...
  17. GlentoranMark


    It only takes a couple of flower heads to make a champagne, in saying that I made it according to the Rivercottage website and it was horrible. Each to their own though.
  18. GlentoranMark

    Back again

    Welcome back OP, I think we all have spells where we don't brew, I'm only recently back from a 6 month hiatus. I had a St Peter's Gluten free beer out of Tesco's. I'm not a celiac but I wanted to try it to see what the taste was like. I was expecting something like alcohol free beer but I was...
  19. GlentoranMark

    A brave fight but lost...advice?

    Get yourself a £30 larder fridge from Gumtree and you'll be sorted for winter as well. This will probably work in your favour now you have a dedicated place to brew :)
  20. GlentoranMark

    The heat.

    I couldn't get my wort below 24° yesterday but I pitched it onto the trub of my last brew (a Neales Ale Yeast.) It's bubbling away so it was the right decision.