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  1. chrissyr63

    WHO KNOWS? - 9

    1 7.2 2 7.2 3 5.6
  2. chrissyr63

    So how long will a counter flow bottle last

    By a counter flow bottle i mean a bottle that was filled with conditioned beer from a cornie and letting the inflow of the beer to push out any gas. I used one if those screw on gas post with a tube that reached the bottom of the bottle and then replaced with the bottle top after a few hours...
  3. chrissyr63

    So how long will a counter flow bottle last

    I filled a couple of 1lt plastic bottles from my kegs ( 1stored at 20 psi and 1 at 5 psi ) how long should they keep their pressure \condition in a fridge? Is it days weeks or months?
  4. chrissyr63

    Breakfast stout definition??

    So is it just cocopops with vodka - how is that a new style?
  5. chrissyr63

    Brewing wine is a faff

    I use the wand directly as well - as said plastic bits were created when trying to us the bung.
  6. chrissyr63

    Brewing wine is a faff

    Was making a beaverdale kit. This says swirl the container a minimum of 3 times a days for 3-4 days to degass and I do use a degasser. And fining is add A swirl and wait 24 hours then add B and wait 3-7 days. I agree it is all simple stuff but just takes so much elapsed time. And then leave it...
  7. chrissyr63

    Brewing wine is a faff

    I've made a couple of 30 bottle wine kits recently and aren't they a faff! Mixing and fermenting goes nice and easy but: Degassing over 3-4 days Stabilising Finings A Finings B Rack and bottle (cleanse, sterilise 30 bottles) Let it settle for a few weeks or months. Am I over working here...
  8. chrissyr63

    Donald Trump.

    So you run in and tell everyone there is a crisis then you tell everyone they are doing a great job then you say look I solved the crisis. Is he a one trick pony!
  9. chrissyr63

    The Home Brew Forum World Cup Competition

    Well done IanM and thanks for running the comp - hopefully my england play will pay off in the euros
  10. chrissyr63

    Boil off increase

    My last to brews have undershot on on litre - aim for 23-24 but have been near 21. Is this just the summer heat that is causing this? Would people add more water\wort or shorten the boil (doing 70 mins)? Didn't liquor back but might do if this is what summer is going to do.
  11. chrissyr63

    What did you brew today?

    I pitched a summer ale today (brewed yesterday and chilled overnight). Mix of ekg and savinski gold at 70, 30 and 0 and cml real ale yeast at 20c. OG of 1.044 so hopefully a nice quaffer.
  12. chrissyr63

    Cornie kegs for sale

    About 10 miles from Barnstaple! I could drop them off if you want?
  13. chrissyr63

    The crossmyloof brewery yeast

    I just used the kolsch yeast for a brew and ended up at 1.005 does that sound too low? Just kegged it and taste great.
  14. chrissyr63

    Cornie kegs for sale

    Hi all Have 3 cornie kegs for sale £35 each or £95 for all 3. All recently been in use, hold pressure and just been cleaned. Are ball valve version Would prefer collection from either Devon or west London.
  15. chrissyr63

    Fermenting with co2

    Hi brewers I asked the same question recently but didn't get a reply. Again it was hard to describe what you want to know about! I assume you want to add an aprv ( adjustable pressure release valve) to allow the c02 to keep pressure at certain level to help with fermentation? I searched with...
  16. chrissyr63

    Show us your beer.

    Just having the last of my kegged citra brew
  17. chrissyr63

    Man ****s and brewers droop

    I like link in there never ditch a bad brew just put it in the bath! And the image of fighting off the pool attendant as you attempt to 'drown'.
  18. chrissyr63

    Under pressure brewing

    Sorry my last question is a bit clumsy - more about how does pressure change yeast charactistic so what is best to use?
  19. chrissyr63

    Under pressure brewing

    Hi all i have been looking at info on using kegs as fermentors and using pressure to speed up the process. I have a couple of 25 lt kegs and think they could be used to ferment to a final 19 lt keg. Plan is to brew a 20 lt batch and then use the big keg to ferment and use one of these to...
  20. chrissyr63

    The Home Brew Forum World Cup Competition

    Germany England Tunisia Russia