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  1. T

    used yeast

    Is there a use for that yeast "sediment" left at the bottom or your fementation bin? I'm sure it must be nutritious and flavoursome. Could it be used in cooking? Bread making? another brew?
  2. T

    How long can I keep stout in fermentation bin

    I Might do that then, The reason- well I only have one barrel and if I wait for that to empty before I start the next brew I will miss the christmas rush! SOI'm thinking if I can get it started early it won;t need so long in the barrel and I might be able to enjoy a drop at Christmas, Am I...
  3. T

    How long can I keep stout in fermentation bin

    I'm nearly finished drinking my last kit (probably 2 weeks) and want to start my stout kit. usually I leave the kit in the fermentation bin for 10 days. Can I leave it longer or should it really go into a barrel or bottles as soon as fermentation has finished? Thanks,
  4. T

    First batch of Wheat Beer

    So this weekend I'm starting my first Wheat Beer Kit (OK it's just a kit, nothing clever!) and I'm using DME. Is brewing wheat beer any different from bitter and stout? Any tips?
  5. T

    Advice on DME

    I'm going to use Dried Malt Extract for the first time with a kit tomorrow. Not used it before. I know this is a bit basic for many of you - but it is a move up the brewing chain for me. Any advice? How much do I use. Does 1kg of DME = 1KG of sugar? Do I have to soak it first? Thanks
  6. T

    Best Stout kit?

    Thanks Aleman, I;ve only used Kits so far - but for many years. What do you mean by + medium DME? Am I missing a trick? Thanks for your help.
  7. T

    Best Stout kit?

    Can anyone recommend a Stout kit?