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  1. Lesinge

    Greg Hughes recipes

    I have done loads and in general I would say that for some reason the typical British beers in here (London Bitter, Irish Red, Tin Miners and ESB) all failed to make and maintain a head - maybe the low hop rates, maybe the lack of non fermentation or just something I did. However, the Smoked...
  2. Lesinge

    Simpsons Imperial Malt

    Used it in a brew with Pilgrim hops - lovely rich beer that was!
  3. Lesinge

    Brewmaster ben

    Yep, really like Ben and Craig when I got into brewing - massive fan of the brewdudes (John and Mike). If you want to know what a hop tastes like it should be your first port of call!
  4. Lesinge

    Vintage Beers

    Hi all Maybe there is already a thread on this and if so please let me know. I am embarking on brewing some vintage beers, some from the rather excellent Ron Pattison's website (shutupaboutbarclayperkins) (and yes I have also bought a book from there (Edwardian Beers or something like that))...
  5. Lesinge

    What is that smell?

    I used a Mangrove Jacks West Coat yeast which was very lively and spilt over the top of my fermenter - the stink after a few days (I leave them to look after themselves for a week or so) was of fish - was fine though!
  6. Lesinge

    Fusion Hops (2016)

    I am doing the second of three Fusion hops beer tomorrow - I bought two packs as they were going cheap. The three brews are to look at what 250g of the following special malts bring to a brew- DRC, Melatonin and Aromatic malts. So I have made a basic brew of: So they should be interesting to...
  7. Lesinge

    Buying hops (to grow) in the UK

    Certainly recommend the Prima Donna (or First Gold) which unfortunately I killed during a drought last year. Before that I had harvested, dried and made a beer from the hops and it was great. This year I am going more "professional" and have both Fuggles and Challenger in a growing area with...
  8. Lesinge

    What did you brew today?

    Brewed a beer to test the new(ish) African Queen Hops 4kg Golden Promise 300g Vienna 250g Carapils Hops :AQ 15g @60, 15g @10, 20g @5 and 20g at flameout <80C. Profloc @15. Yeast: Lallemand West Coast BRY-97
  9. Lesinge

    Wheeler's Book British Real Ale and EBU levels

    However...I am going to make a clone of an Watney Combe Reid from the late 1800's - I think the recipe came from "shut up about Barclay Perkins "but I have it saved somewhere. The IBUs are somewhere in the region of 156 initially and uses over 380g of Goldings or EKGs hops - the secret of course...
  10. Lesinge

    Wondering about Kveik and..

    Out of interest I did a DD clone - I am liking the results - higher percentage than the real stuff (5.6%) so probably more flavour but I was looking for the sort of beer that I drank as a young chap (Trueman's special etc) so I thought this would do. Not disappointed. Only have the Lallemand...
  11. Lesinge

    African Queen Hops

    Hi all. Using these in a simple brew to see what they bring (4kg Golden Promise, 300g Vienna and 250g Carapils). I can't find much on their parentage but the smell reminds me of (in no particular order) mild Citra, EKG and a noble hop so would love to know where they came from but it seems the...
  12. Lesinge

    Top of the range Beer Kit v All Grain

    Yes the kits now are really looking good - I only stopped kit brewing about three years ago but even since then loads more have come out.
  13. Lesinge

    Top of the range Beer Kit v All Grain

    Waste isnt a word I would use with brewing lol! I have to say though its hard work at any time...
  14. Lesinge

    Top of the range Beer Kit v All Grain

    As I said I never got to try the top of the range kits but used to love the Coopers APA kit and experiment with different dry hopping - that was a good kit. Also the Simply kits.
  15. Lesinge

    Top of the range Beer Kit v All Grain

    I am a Saturday morning brewer too - yes I finish brewing by 12 (I too start at 7 or 8) but the cleaning etc means I am into the early PM always moan then!
  16. Lesinge

    Top of the range Beer Kit v All Grain

    Hi all. I have been all grain brewing for years now, first BIAB and then with the GrainFather and love it as it gives me scope to really play around with hops, yeast and malt etc. When I was kit brewing (and I made loads) I never got into doing the top of the range ones like Bulldog etc as they...
  17. Lesinge

    Wrong hops delivered - whats the best plan

    I was doing a recipe with Target for bittering at 11% but didn't have any so used Challenger at 8% so chucked lots more in until I got the ABV I was looking for.
  18. Lesinge

    To sparge or not to sparge

    I sparge because I hate to think of those lovely sugars being thrown away!
  19. Lesinge

    Coopers, Australian Pale Ale Review

    Both madjules and I have been all grain brewing for a long time but we both loved this kit as a base for dry hopping. It was a great kit to test different hop flavours in. Lovely carbonation and mouth feel too I remember.
  20. Lesinge

    The Homebrew Twang experiment.

    Just my observation. I have been doing only all grain for a few years and never had a “twang” like I sometimes got in Kits. Same water profile everything, yet my AG beer is drinkable almost as soon as it is bottled..well within a couple of days. A few weeks ago my uncle gave me a kit from the...