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  1. Lesinge

    Scottish independence -

    Because the figures the SNP use are based on oil revenues that are either not obtainable or not long term. The other countries you mention are long standing independent states - Denmark has the oldest continuous flag in the world and their economies are planned accordingly. The second point is...
  2. Lesinge

    Moutere, Vista and Eureka! hops

    Has anyone brewed with any of these hops? (Moutere, Vista and Eureka!) - I like to try out new hops and saw these in my last purchase and bought them. Any suggestions on style of beer too if you have any ideas. Thanks!
  3. Lesinge

    General certificate in brewing

    Thats dedication!
  4. Lesinge

    Scottish independence -

    "They're a bunch of third-rate 'politicians' (I use the word loosely), who want independence at ANY cost - regardless of the negative impact it will have on people's lives and prosperity." I like Ian Blackford - he is miles and miles better than Johnson who can't seem to tell the truth no matter...
  5. Lesinge

    Scottish independence -

    I think that if the Scots want to leave they should be allowed to, as long as its a democratic vote. However, I can't see it working as the SNPs figures always overestimate the value of the oil they may have left. The other issue is that we will need to have a hard border because they have...
  6. Lesinge

    Scottish independence -

    I would imagine that since they joined we became one country rather than a federation and the idea was that they couldn't just leave once they got over being skint from the failed American adventures. I do find it amusing how some Scots, who were the backbone of the British Empire, now pretend...
  7. Lesinge

    Scottish independence -

    "In late 1690, the Scottish government agreed to pay the Jacobite clan chiefs a total of £12,000 in return for swearing an oath of loyalty to William and Mary; however, disagreements over how to divide the money meant by December 1691 none of them had taken the oath" A doubt a place that...
  8. Lesinge

    Ghislaine Maxwell sentenced to 20 years over sex trafficking

    It was amazing that in Epstein's case, he was under constant suicide watch and then all the guards fell asleep at the same
  9. Lesinge

    General certificate in brewing

    Where is the quality control! I had to answer the wrong answer to get it right according to you have to remember something thats wrong to answer correctly!
  10. Lesinge

    General certificate in brewing

    Yep and one of my bosses left without saying goodbye...I am over it...I hardly ever think about it.....grrrr
  11. Lesinge

    General certificate in brewing

    When I did the Microsoft Excel exams as part of the Microsoft Professional qualification back in the day there was a question that had the wrong answer and it annoyed me then and still annoys me now that they let it stay in the exam. I took it over 25 years ago and still can't forget how wrong...
  12. Lesinge

    General certificate in brewing

    Yes I would recommend this course if you are interested in the science behind brewing and the functions of a brewery. As a home brewer I can take a lot of the science and apply it to my practice but from the workings of a commercial brewery I could also learn. For example I am much more aware of...
  13. Lesinge

    A word on protofloc…

    Why do you crush it? it contains a dispersant anyway.
  14. Lesinge

    A word on protofloc…

    I don't break mine up and use a full one, except in NEIPAs etc where I don't want it clear. I will give it a go though.
  15. Lesinge

    A word on protofloc…

    I have yet to get into water chemistry beyond adding acidic malt when brewing a lager/cream ale (and a campden tablet to remove the chlorine) - although I should living in a hard water area. I use one full tablet of Protofloc and have never needed to use any gelatine or other finings later in...
  16. Lesinge

    General certificate in brewing

    Hi there Craig - been a long time since you asked this question. Did you do this after all? I just got my result from this years exam and passed so very happy.
  17. Lesinge

    Tesco's beer choice

    I once tried to get a friend who did great fruit infused spirits to do a smoked Mackeral one - I thought it would appeal to fish lovers :cool:
  18. Lesinge

    Tesco's beer choice

    I will need a few days away from the memory of those last night but will give them another chance - just not those particular beers!
  19. Lesinge

    Tesco's beer choice

    I will give them a go :cool:
  20. Lesinge

    Tesco's beer choice

    Thanks, I will seek this one out and give it a go...I like dark and chocolatey beers but not ones that are cloying which I found the two beers last night to be. First time in ages that I have thrown beer away.