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  1. Surfingobo

    Mena Dhu stout

    Not tried to clone it but it is a damn good pint. I enjoy their black ipa as well
  2. Surfingobo

    Secondary fermentation in bottles.

    I try one after 2 weeks, they normally still have a slight cidery taste at this point to me. Normally 3 weeks is ideal for me
  3. Surfingobo

    Ruining my beer - plaster taste

    My understanding was that chlorinated water could produce chlorphenols at any stage, and this is the reason that extract kit brewers are recommended to treat their water. Happy to be wrong though!
  4. Surfingobo

    Ruining my beer - plaster taste

    Pin hole leak in your CFC allowing a small amount of tap water into your finished beer? Has your efficiency dropped at all? Try a no chill batch and see if you get the flavour?
  5. Surfingobo

    Efficiency Bump!

    I like 8L batches, i tend to drink maybe 6 beers a week and buy some in so I brew more than I drink!
  6. Surfingobo

    Efficiency Bump!

    No real mash out with Biab!
  7. Surfingobo

    Efficiency Bump!

    You may be right and I plan on trying it both with acid/without minerals and the other way around to compare. I understand lager is often brewed with a mineral profile very close to my tap water so if I can make the mash work with just acid additions that would be ideal
  8. Surfingobo

    Efficiency Bump!

    I have been brewing for over a year now, about 30 all grain batches under my belt and feel like I have a good grasp of the basics. I have been purposefully ignoring 'water' as I have been making good beer and felt that I had other areas to improve on before starting to learn a whole new area of...
  9. Surfingobo

    good idea !

    I get about 8L from my 15L pot. I’ve tried to get more but find with more grain my efficiency suffers and I still end up close to 8L
  10. Surfingobo

    John Bull Traditional English Ale Kit - Log

    All grain as in brewing with grains and hops rather than a kit
  11. Surfingobo

    John Bull Traditional English Ale Kit - Log

    Wilko oxi clean powder is a fantastic cleaner for all of your bottles, fermenter etc. Soak in hot water and a scoop of oxi for an hour or until bubbles stop and rinse well. Try all grain, you won’t regret it. I do 8L batches in a Wilko stockpot on the job which is a great size for me.
  12. Surfingobo

    If only one malt

    Crisp clear choice pale I think
  13. Surfingobo

    Wheat beer idea

    I go 50/50 wheat and pale. I’ve tried wheat and vienna but it was to sweet. Single step mash. MJ M20 yeast at 21 degrees. 20 ibu of a german hop. Beautiful.
  14. Surfingobo

    Hop flavour

    Have you ever taken a sip of a chocolate milkshake - delicious, then a bite of chocolate - delicious, then back to the milkshake - bleugh what is this milkwater! If not, try it, it’s an interesting exercise in perception. I think the same happens with beer. I get the same if I switch from a...
  15. Surfingobo

    Yeast for Golden Ale

    I normally bottom crop, no issues yet! Oldest yeast I have is probably 5 generations.
  16. Surfingobo

    New Limited Edition Kit Giveaway! From Love Brewing!!!

    I’m in for a Nevada!!
  17. Surfingobo

    June 2021 Competition - Dark Beers

    Ive got an exmoor beast tribute id like to send. Could I have your address please?
  18. Surfingobo

    Late Hopping - advice needed please

    For what style? Most “flavour” in the really hoppy styles like Neipa actually comes from aroma I reckon. I would try something like 25gram at flameout and the rest as a dry hop. for dry hop rate anything up to 16g per litre seems to be accepted. I find I get more from 50/50 of two hops than a...
  19. Surfingobo

    Kegland digital turbo boiler reviews?

    Turn into position? Does that mean that when you lift the pipe there is something to keep it up out of the wort while it drains?
  20. Surfingobo

    Fermenter Size for Small Batch Brewing

    I almost only brew 8L batches in a 15L pot on the stove (wilko pot, great cheap way to get started) always fermented in a 30L bucket. Would love something smaller but not buying any more plastic if I can help it and can’t find a stainless FV I like the look of.