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  1. TheOsprey

    New Competition rules.

    I do have pretty abhorrent views.
  2. TheOsprey

    New Competition rules.

    You were being too accommodating when you suggested a single month for vegan beers? It's my personal preference to not make lager, so I'd probably bypass any competition where that was the focus. People are strange, sometimes.
  3. TheOsprey

    Veganism. With or without beer.

    Ooh that sounds nice. Frozen or fresh? I reckon you can knock 5p off a pint by buying unbranded soya mince.
  4. TheOsprey

    Veganism. With or without beer.

    So, from a personal perspective, I became vegan about 10 months ago now. My brother has been vegan for about 3 years, and his wife has been veggie since she was about 12. She still is, and hasn't gone vegan. Most of my reason for going vegan was based on my health and the environment, but also...
  5. TheOsprey

    My Hop Taste Has Changed

    Yes, more one than the other!!
  6. TheOsprey

    Veganism. With or without beer.

    A whole side? Blimey, how much beer goes in? As a side note, I did hum that to the tune of 'oh I do like to be beside the seaside'...
  7. TheOsprey

    Veganism. With or without beer.

    Discus. Innit.
  8. TheOsprey

    New Competition rules.

    Uh bovril? Edited it... 😄
  9. TheOsprey

    Veganism. With or without beer.

  10. TheOsprey

    New Competition rules.

    I feel these messages probably need moving to a different thread, as we've really gone pretty much completely off topic... However, to add one more reply, it's not really about eating the animals who have lived well. For example, for every chicken you eat which has lived well, its male sibling...
  11. TheOsprey

    New Competition rules.

    Hope you're still using floppy disks too...
  12. TheOsprey

    Cost per pint

    If he's genuinely drinking that much daily, at that rate, I'd say he needs to work at microbrewery size and brew once a month. Not sure how you can drink 26 units and brew at the same time. Toilet breaks alone would be a nightmare.
  13. TheOsprey

    Cost per pint

    This cannot be true. Beer police or not, this is 26 units and 2260 calories, not to mention 5.5 litres of liquid a day. You'd have to drink 2 bottles an hour from midday to 10pm. Edited: time maths
  14. TheOsprey

    Stinky Shoes

    Kind of hoping it's both...
  15. TheOsprey

    ****Fermentasaurus Mega Giveaway****

    I'd like to enter for the snub nose please. I should win because my nose is bloody massive, and there should be at least one snub nose in the house.
  16. TheOsprey

    My Hop Taste Has Changed

    Totally agree with this. Got a mixed case from Beer52 and 8 of the 10 are 6% or over, with 3 or 4 around 8%. Quite chuffed initially, until I tried to session a few. Although Luton avoided relegation last night, so I didn't mind the high ABV so much! 😄
  17. TheOsprey

    Brew Monk 30 Litre All in One brewing System & Brew Monk Magnus

    Aargh I've been looking at the Brewzilla. This doesn't help!! Are there any real differences between the two, except a tilted screen?
  18. TheOsprey

    My Hop Taste Has Changed

    A mixture of sweet, grassy, weed and hops, with just a cheeky dash of ****.
  19. TheOsprey

    New Competition rules.

    I'd also like to be a judge at some point in the (distant?) future, and I'm vegan...
  20. TheOsprey

    My Hop Taste Has Changed

    I just did the simple AG and used mandarina (5g at 60, 15 and 5 mins) and I think I might actually hate it. The initial smell is (genuinely) just like the giraffe house at Whipsnade. I literally had no idea what to go for so got that and challenger. Wish I'd tried the challenger.