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  1. TheOsprey

    How long to keep hops?

    I'd say in general if hops are frozen, they'll last indefinitely. I know you said these hadn't been. I've seen websites selling 2017 hops, which I assume haven't been frozen, so 2016 doesn't sound a huge stretch. Maybe use them for bittering rather than aroma/flavour? What are they?
  2. TheOsprey

    Porter recipe advice please

    Funny this has come up, the India Export Porter is exactly what I'm fermenting at the moment. Had a little taste after 3 days (checking OG as using s04 yeast, as it was open) and tastes great already!
  3. TheOsprey

    How many litres of home brew 2020.

    Oh I forgot to add to this! 5l of SMaSH with Mandarina 12l of Kernel Brewery's Export India Porter. Total: 19079L
  4. TheOsprey

    Conditioning beer, what temp?

    I think most people here do the 222 method, of 2 weeks fermenting, 2 weeks carbonating at ~20° and 2 weeks conditioning at fridge temp.
  5. TheOsprey

    Osprey's first Brewzilla Brew Day

    Not sure mine will be! On the plus side, I've never had the real thing, so I won't know! Next time I'll brew it properly, with all of the ingredients, rather than most of them!
  6. TheOsprey

    Osprey's first Brewzilla Brew Day

    Thanks, yeah I've made a step by step guide for myself because I couldn't find one anywhere. All in all it went well. I still made a few cockups - some more major than others. For example I somehow forgot to use the recirc arm during the mash, which I think is what has led to me having an OG...
  7. TheOsprey

    Osprey's first Brewzilla Brew Day

    Oh, I did have the slight problem that the machine was sitting at 69 when I wanted to mash at 71 (because it was a couple of degrees low on my dry run), so I put on the 1900w element, forgetting that it says not to turn it on with the mash pipe in. Only about 5 mins and it only went up to 76...
  8. TheOsprey

    Osprey's first Brewzilla Brew Day

    So I had a dry run (wet run?) on Sunday with a batch of water, and I'm so glad I did. The instructions are vague at best, so I had to scour the Internet for answers to my questions. Then I wrote it all down to help me on my first brew day. First lesson - check the tap is off before pouring in...
  9. TheOsprey

    PET bottles after an infection?

    I use a no rinse sanitiser to prep the bottles before use. Bottles had only been used once, and I didn't clean them with anything before sanitising.
  10. TheOsprey

    Ferment & Rise YouTube channel

    Isn't that just if he's making money off it? Sharing content is a positive move, I'd think.
  11. TheOsprey

    Hello, i'm new

    0 🙋‍♂️
  12. TheOsprey

    Hello, i'm new

    Welcome - nice kit! What's your drink to sell/giveaway ratio? That's a lot of production!
  13. TheOsprey

    Hello, i'm new

    Haha I was also confused by this. Like Sherlock himself, I deduced that Brewtubing = brewing on YouTube, Ferment and Rise is the name of the channel.
  14. TheOsprey

    PET bottles after an infection?

    So my first brew, an out of date extract kit, was a complete bust. I ended up with 46 undercarbed bottles of sour maltyness. It was not pleasant. I'm pretty sure I had an infection at some point, but not sure how. I've since brewed the simple AG recipe, and bottled it in the same bottles (after...
  15. TheOsprey

    Robobrew V Hopcat

    Mine was a preorder from BrewKegTap, which I preordered at the beginning of the month, but they still had a few left right up until arrival I think.
  16. TheOsprey

    Robobrew V Hopcat

    That's strange, I assumed they were all on the same boat. I have mine now.
  17. TheOsprey

    People with a Brewzilla 3.1.1

    Thanks. The Facebook group has been a real eye opener! Some have this problem, some don't, but have a different problem... No one's experience seems to be flawless. Par for the course, I guess.
  18. TheOsprey

    Recommended tube heaters for fermenting fridge

    It helps to keep fermentation temperature steady. If you have a day when it's 35 outside, then a day when it's raining and 17 outside, your wort temp is going to fluctuate significantly. If you can put it into a fridge set at 19 degrees, problem solved. People use fridges because they insulate...
  19. TheOsprey

    People with a Brewzilla 3.1.1

    Hi, I've just received my Brewzilla and I'm putting it together for the first time. I'm not overwhelmed by the build quality, but then I knew I wouldn't be. However, I don't seem to be able to put the false bottom in properly. It sits on the tap, meaning that the base then pivots. I've asked in...