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  1. TheOsprey

    Black Cardamom

    I'm hoping to do this Witbier next. This might be way out there, but maybe the cardamom pods could take the place of the coriander seeds?
  2. TheOsprey

    The 'Osprey tries to set up to brew in a garage' thread

    Hi, Question! Someone on my local giving site is giving away a fridge freezer (as the fridge isn't getting cold enough to freeze properly). I've been looking for a second fridge, so I can run one warm and one cold. Is it worth getting a fridge freezer, or will I just be spending more money...
  3. TheOsprey

    Brew fridge electrical help.

    Thanks all for your input. Yeah it's an under counter one. It was fine with my old FV so I just didn't think about it. I'm keeping an eye out for a larger one, but I assume fridge freezers are out, as I can't independently control them both? Ooh, I like this plan. Hmm looks more...
  4. TheOsprey

    Osprey's first Brewzilla Brew Day

    And this is the total of the mess I made. Last time I bottled with a little bottler sellotaped to a siphon, which left me in a puddle. The time before I only had the siphon. I'll leave that mess to your imaginations.
  5. TheOsprey

    Osprey's first Brewzilla Brew Day

    Bottle job.
  6. TheOsprey

    Brew fridge electrical help.

    So having made my brew fridge, which fits my 25l FV in easily, I bought a couple more FVs from GEB, but failed to notice that these are 33l, and discovered, when my FV was full of beer, that these don't actually fit in my fridge. They only don't fit because of the temperature wheel and light...
  7. TheOsprey

    What are you drinking tonight 2020.

    Vimy Bomber from the Leighton Buzzard Brewery. Nice drop.
  8. TheOsprey

    Healthy drinking

    I've been having similar thoughts. I never buy beer, so I don't drink it. Now I'm drinking most nights. I just bought a 5l box from my local brewery, and I find I'm much more likely to have a second pint from that than to open a second bottle. So if you're brewing to drink on tap, I'd cut back...
  9. TheOsprey

    The Dummies' Guide to Brewzilla

    And I've just remembered the 'How to guides' forum. Any chance a mod can move this over?
  10. TheOsprey

    5L FV for 5L batches

    We get these for bird feeders in the garden:,and%20hanging%20around%20the%20garden. They hold 8 or 9 litres all in, and 5l fits in nicely. It's food grade plastic (knife and fork...
  11. TheOsprey

    The Dummies' Guide to Brewzilla

    So I bought a Robobrew Brewzilla 3.1.1. I’d only done one AG brew, on the stove top and decided that I needed more effective equipment. The price difference between an effective 3 vessel system and a Brewzilla seemed so minimal that going all in on an all in one seemed like a good idea. I did...
  12. TheOsprey

    Osprey's first Brewzilla Brew Day

    Recirc arm comes with the kit, has a silicone tube on and sits on top of the mash to recirculate the wort through it. The whirlpool arm is an optional extra, and is steel (I assume) to the bottom, and effectively recirculates the wort still, but in a clockwise/anticlockwise motion, to collect...
  13. TheOsprey

    Osprey's first Brewzilla Brew Day

    Oh! That's a relief. Yeah, it took me a long time to get my head around the jargon. Still haven't got my head around all the three letter acronyms. Mine tends to sit at 97 for a while, but then it boils at 98, and sits there. Pretty steady boil, so I'm not worried, but maybe you could...
  14. TheOsprey

    Buying recipe kits from GEB

    Oh that's great news, thanks. I'm not planning to imminently buy anything, as I've got something fermenting at the moment, but I've got a few on the horizon, and if I can put them into the basket (each named) it'd make it much easier for me to go ahead when I've got enough in there. Glad to...
  15. TheOsprey

    Osprey's first Brewzilla Brew Day

    I paid the tenner for them to do it for me - glad I did now!
  16. TheOsprey

    Osprey's first Brewzilla Brew Day

    Why are you mashing at such a high temperature? I'm not sure the machine is able to reach boiling point with the grains in - the manual says never to put both elements on with the malt pipe in. This may be due to the mash temperature? Overcooking the malt? My understanding is that the top...
  17. TheOsprey

    Buying recipe kits from GEB

    Not sure if this is the right place for this... I'm trying to build multiple AG recipe kits on GEB, to share the postage through a few brews. Each recipe weighs around 5kg so I'm hoping to be able to share the shipping cost by 5. I've been through the recipe builder, created my recipe and...
  18. TheOsprey

    Water profile for belgian wit

    What yeast are you using? I was looking at doing a wit, but the Wyeast it suggests is £7 plus postage...
  19. TheOsprey

    Crusty deposits in my SS conical FV

    Sounds a bit new agey, but I'm using these in my robobrew. Can scrub steel, non stick, plastic. Doesn't damage anything.