My god that takes me back. Used to be an avid RPGamer years ago. Call of Cthulu was a regular one along with Runequest, Twilight, Space Opera and Palladium.
I'd like to bottle more beer, and actually enter a competition. Even if it's only a forum one. Want to get more feedback on my beer. Think family and friends might be being too kind.
Really enjoyed this I will make sure and have 2 bottles ready for next year. Only had one available this year due to the fact I keg most of my beer. Thanks Strange Steve for organising.
This one is mine. One of only 2 bottles from the batch as the rest is kegged. So I actually haven't had it from the bottle myself as I gifted the other too. I'm really enjoying it on draught myself. Glad you enjoyed.
It was a really good beer. I've had success with other lagers but my own attempt at a Marzen didn't quite hit the mark. Will try again in the New year.
Well this was the beer that Santa sent to me. An Octoberfest Marzen. This beer was right up my street, very fond of this style. It was a nice dark golden colour and perfectly clear. I really enjoyed this beer, had a nice maltyness to it and it is certainly better than my own attempt at this...
Thank you Santa, my very interesting sounding Dark Octoberfest marzen has arrived. Style is right up my street :D. Look forward to trying this, probably Xmas eve.
Recently took a seasonal job in the post office, so the early start will mean this will be the first election in years that I haven't stayed up to watch.
It was my wife who started it all for me. She bought me a one day brewery course at a brewery in Derry. I've never looked back. She even allowed me to rinse my SS steel fermentor out in the shower today. so much easier than bringing buckets of hot water out to the garage.
Definitely the opposite round here. Asda is pretty hopeless on craft beer near me, Tesco quite good. Have a great independent off sales within a few miles of me though, excellent selection of craft and Belgian/German beer. He will try to get you beer he doesn't usually stock if he can too.
Here we refer to this type of fast food restaurant as a chippy. Only if you were specifically getting fish and chips would we say we were going for a fish supper, and never heard it called a chippy tea except on Coronation Street.
Videos that I have watched of Davids he still recommends the Grainfather, as long as they sort out the app, and as a grainfather owner I can only but agree with him on this. Thankfully I have an old i pad with the original app on it which works for me.