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  1. _jon_

    Auto Siphon Drama - FV to Keg

    So, I'm in the middle of chucking my Punk IPA into a keg to condition it and dump the dry hop. This bloody Auto Siphon is a pain! Never had one which works well. I keep getting air bubbles in the beer coming through the siphon and after about 5 seconds flow stops and I have to pump it...
  2. _jon_

    Electric Keggle

    I sense I may have been a victim of a salesman's gib! Ah well, I've got another temp controller for something now! Maybe I can find a use for it.
  3. _jon_

    Cleaner / Sanitiser / CleanerSanitizer Hell!

    I use PBW to clean, but I never know how much to use or how long it can soak for.. so I literally just guess the measurements with a generous pour and leave it for as long as I forget about it.. sometimes a week. Then I rinse and star san to sanitise. When cleaning Cornie's do you guys...
  4. _jon_

    WYeast 1056 vs US05

    Is the crossmyloof pale ale yeast any good? I've got 10 packs laying around. But always reached for the US-05 instead.
  5. _jon_

    Electric Keggle

    I have played with the air collar a lot, no combination seems to sort it. I'll use it again in the summer... when the weather is nicer to play around with it for longer. For now the electric one will do just what I need :)
  6. _jon_

    Electric Keggle

    I was surprised also. I don't get a roaring blue flame from it. It just seems to be a yellow flickery flame... a pretty big one at that, but it's the kind of flame that just causes an enormous amount of soot. Which goes everywhere and is very annoying. Maybe I have a defective burner... or maybe...
  7. _jon_

    Electric Keggle

    Oh... Hmm, that's annoying. I thought I'd be able to use it to stop the boil being too rough.. but I suppose it's not going to go crazy at only 2.4KW. Not sure what I'm going to use my shiny new temperature controller for then lol
  8. _jon_

    Electric Keggle

    Based on my extreme lack of knowledge, my complete cack-handidness, and my over all fear of electricity in general. And because I like my house, not so keen on a huge pile of ash... I've caved in. I'm going to buy these two items...
  9. _jon_

    Electric Keggle

    I have the brupaks plastic boiler I purchased from a member here, which unfortunately got trashed by over-enthusiastic couriers. But the element is only 2kW. Probably won't be enough for a 70L pot. Which is a shame.. maybe it would work out well as a secondary. This 5.5kW as a primary would do...
  10. _jon_

    Electric Keggle

    Well... there's something I didn't consider! That's not a bad thought. I happened to just see another threat, and go really excited to see this: But this is essentially what I've already got. I like...
  11. _jon_

    Electric Keggle

    I can hear people screaming at their computer screens... "Just make it yourself you fool!" So maybe I'll have a go. This is the keg I found: Then I saw this element...
  12. _jon_

    Electric Keggle

    I've found that malt-miller have Keggles for £100.. but they're not modded for electric. I'm really pants at DIY and if I try to fit elements, I'll likely blow myself up and/or the house! Really hoping there's a place I can buy one of these per-modded. Failing that, I might have to buy the...
  13. _jon_

    Is this normal?

    Most of my FV are carboys. If I drop a hydro in I'd never get it back out! :lol: :lol: I have been thinking I should start fermenting in buckets, it does seem to make more sense and be more practical. I've got a fermentasaurus for my next brew, which is going to make life nice and easy as...
  14. _jon_

    Is this normal?

    In the absence of anything else (at the moment), I just sanitised an auto siphon and siphoned off just enough to fill the trial jar. Tested it with the hydrometer, and it's reading about 1.009 - 1.010 (hard to tell as I was too impatient to wait for the small head to fully dissipate. So...
  15. _jon_

    Is this normal?

    Oh the irony.. the "Cheap chinese knock off" in that link, is the exact one I have haha. I'll have a read through all the articles.. but in the meantime I'll measure the wheat beer in a few days using a hydrometer. My only bug bear with a hydrometer is the sample needed. Getting 50-100ml of...
  16. _jon_

    Electric Keggle I think I've just seen what heaven looks like!
  17. _jon_

    Electric Keggle

    That looks like an interesting site.. thanks, I'll take a read. I don't get a roaring flame out of my 7KW Burner, and that's with a 13kg Calor Gas bottle, so it's getting plenty of juice. It takes about 2 hours to get 35L of water to an almost boil. I never actually get a rolling boil (well I...
  18. _jon_

    American 2 Row Malt

    So, it seems that we really struggle to get this in the UK. And a lot of the American recipes call for it.. I did some research and it turns out the term 2 row is just the type of grain. 2 Row as opposed to 6 Row (which is apparently just cattle feed). The sources I've been reading...
  19. _jon_

    Electric Keggle

    So, as my quest for the perfect electric boiler progresses... I've been careful to make sure that the rest of my brewery equipment is suitable for a 40L brew. I don't actually intend on doing a 40L brew.. but I thought when buying things, why not make sure there's room for expansion, and pay the...
  20. _jon_

    Is this normal?

    I have some smart water (vapour distilled) and went to calibrate the refractometer with it.. but when I put the smart water on, it already read 1.00 I think the issue is that I didn't know that the alcohol content would skew the results of the refratometer. It looks like it's better to use a...