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  1. _jon_

    This 2 + 2 + 2 Carbonating Issue Needs Clearing Up

    I've seen beer clear in a cornie. I did an extract chinook IPA recently (before I started botching AG brews), and after 2 weeks in the kegerator it was lovely and clear! It wasn't at the start. Not clear at the start, clear after 2 weeks... must be magic. :mrgreen: :lol: :lol: :whistle...
  2. _jon_

    All my AG brews are pants...

    How does it work in my instance? I got 58% efficiency from a recipe that was already tuned for 65% efficiency. Does that mean had I dropped the efficiency of the recipe down to 55% I'd be on the money, or does it mean that from 65% I actually obtained 58%... which would be 32%.
  3. _jon_

    This 2 + 2 + 2 Carbonating Issue Needs Clearing Up

    What's wrong with going straight from a FV to a cornie, carbing with C02 and then conditioning after that? Other have suggested that this method is acceptable. What is your reason for saying it's not so?
  4. _jon_

    All my AG brews are pants...

    I've ended up with 21 Litres (which is exactly spot on according to the recipe) - So the volumes and boil off etc was spot on calculation wise. But even after the boil, I've thrown 19 litres into the fermenter (wasting a couple of litres as I opted for a different fermenter because I'm lazy). As...
  5. _jon_

    All my AG brews are pants...

    Something is wrong with my efficiency, quite significantly. I made EXTRA sure to get the water dead on volume wise, by following brewersfriend for water volumes and temps, and I transferred water using a 1L jug, so it's bang on. The BF efficiency calculator said: Max: 1.053 at 75%: 1.040 My...
  6. _jon_

    All my AG brews are pants...

    You're definitely right. I've been rushing, but on brew day I (in recent brews) have been trying to slow things down and brew more relaxed. Definitely better outcomes, but my recipes have been off slightly, and I'm still forgetting the odd thing. So a check list is a must. I'm in the midst of...
  7. _jon_

    All my AG brews are pants...

    The Wheat Beer recipe was: 2.27KG Lager Malt 900g Flaked Wheat 900g American White Wheat Malt 500g Flaked Oats 28g Saaz @ 60 min 28g Saaz @ 10 min I then forgot to add coriander and orange peel on brew day, so 2 weeks into the Fermentation I boiled: 28g Cracked Coriander 28g...
  8. _jon_

    All my AG brews are pants...

    That's a nice piece of information, thanks. But I'm assuming with a 2 x week fermentation, since the active ferementation is usually only a few days... 2 weeks includes diacetyl rest? Or are you meaning ferment for longer? Assuming I'm fermenting at ~18-20c anyway, and not making lagers, I...
  9. _jon_

    All my AG brews are pants...

    The PIPA actually didn't taste that bad, I did drink a fair bit at the weekend. But it was weak and really didn't taste as interesting as a normal punk. It wasn't a complete disaster, but it was essentially Nanny Stake rather then Punk IPA. And I wanted the room in the fridge, so it had to go...
  10. _jon_

    All my AG brews are pants...

    Some great responses here guys, and I thank you all for the guidance. I am guilty of just throwing more kit into the cupboard in the hope it will help to make better beer and a simpler life (and because I just LOVE buying stuff lol). But I understand that I need to learn what I've got, and...
  11. _jon_

    All my AG brews are pants...

    From reading the 2+2+2 (almost all, got side tracked)... I didn't see that it's carb then condition. so we're saying: 1.) FV for ~2 weeks 2.) Into Cornie keg, carb, leave for 4 weeks 3.) Tap it and drink Is that right?
  12. _jon_

    All my AG brews are pants...

    I like this idea. I will pick up some fermentation buckets. I suppose for conditioning though you wouldn't want the airlock in? It would be sealed tight? Also, re carbing and conditioning.. should I carb and then condition, or the other way around? If I'm understanding this the correct...
  13. _jon_

    All my AG brews are pants...

    I have ordered an AG kit, should arrive soon. Got it from geterbrewed but didn't know about the 5% so I'll remember that for next time. It sounds like my biggest problem is time. I totally mis understood the whole force carb thing... I was under the impression that I could force carb and cut...
  14. _jon_

    All my AG brews are pants...

    Hey Guys, As I'm sure you'll know from some previous posts, some of my brews have gotten a little buggered up because I'm new to AG Brewing and it's a lot to remember to do, and get all the measurements and readings on target. As such, all my AG Brews have been rubbish. I just threw away...
  15. _jon_

    Cane Sugar Late Addition

    I'm looking at brewing a Leffe Clone. Trying to find a beer that the Mrs will drink with me, and she's not into the punch in the face hops like me... so she's asked for Leffe. I've found a recipe on BF, but it mentions cane sugar as a late addition. I've not done this before, so a couple...
  16. _jon_

    What am I doing wrong?

    The ABV is no huge concern, as I was aiming high anyway. I think 16L of 4.8% ale isn't so bad. Will be a nice session ale to demolish over new year period. But can I chuck the water in anytime? Or should I wait for fermentation to end?
  17. _jon_

    What am I doing wrong?

    I've been a bit delayed as I had to go away for a couple of days. The beer is still sitting in the FV at 12 Litres. I would like to add the 4 litres of water to it, but it's bang in the middle of fermentation and still has a crausen. Should I wait to add the water? Or can it be added at any moment?
  18. _jon_

    Fermentation Time - Am I waiting long enough?

    I just tested my wheat beer again. It's sitting at a fairly respectable 1.010. So it did carry on after I thought it stuck. It does taste bland and boring though, and even has a subtle strange after taste. Doesn't taste or small off.. but just an after taste I'm not expecting. Which is probably...
  19. _jon_

    What am I doing wrong?

    That's great.. I've got beersmith, but not played with it too much yet. I must learn how to work that out :) I think I'll throw 4 litres in and have a steady session IPA.
  20. _jon_

    What am I doing wrong?

    US-05. What do you think about dilution?