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  1. Oneiroi

    York police rescue dogs from 'blazing hot' car

    It'd probably taste like crap too o_O I do get that levels of cruelty are important though, but there does also seem to often be a different standard depending on whether the animal is a traditional pet or not. Lot's of people who are happy to kill pigs for food wouldn't be happy to kill and...
  2. Oneiroi

    Thwaites Brewery Trashed

    Because due process is important. It's better for the land owners that the police facilitate the travellers moving on while the investigation continues than have them stay there until it wraps up. They also can't/shouldn't punish a whole group of people for actions that may have just been done...
  3. Oneiroi

    York police rescue dogs from 'blazing hot' car

    I know this might make me sound like a dick but the reaction to these stories genuinely confuses me. The U.K. butchers over a billion animals a year but people should be prosecuted for hurting two dogs? Pigs are often considered more intelligent than dogs but killing 10 million a year is fine...
  4. Oneiroi

    Imperial Stout efficiency

    Thanks for the responses! I'll have a play with that spreadsheet foxbat. I've only ever made one high-OG beer and it was a disaster* :laugh8: I brew BIAB and usually get 75% efficiency on normal brews. *I tried to brew a 10l 1.085 beer in a 13l pot and quickly found out it wasn't big enough...
  5. Oneiroi

    Imperial Stout efficiency

    So I'm planning to brew the Semi-Skimmed Occultist from Brewdogs DIY dog. It's a target 1081 OG for 8% abv (73% attenuation) and for a 20l batch the recipe calls for a hefty 11kg of grain total. Having plugged it into brewers friend I make that a 52% brewhouse efficiency required. I know...
  6. Oneiroi

    What are you drinking tonight.

    My local bottle shop has these in at the mo, how was it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Oneiroi

    Half Price Brand New Grainfather

    :laugh8: Edit: sorry Chippy, didn’t mean to make it look like you said it!
  8. Oneiroi

    What if marriage was not recognised in law?

    I always wondered what business a modern state had in people’s relationships and marriages. A standard (or multiple adaptable) contracts between two consenting people without government would do much the same, but remove the governments control over who it deems morally appropriate to marry or...
  9. Oneiroi

    London Town

    To be fair to them, the pricey ones were all interesting and often understandably expensive beers (Imported double, triple IPAs, long aged sours etc), I guess all meant to be served in halves and thirds. Just not so great for those of us who want a long tasty pint after a rough day :beer1:
  10. Oneiroi

    London Town

    The Rake used to be my favourite spot for a drink when I 'missed' my london bridge train and had to wait for another one. Last time I went last month the selection was still amazing but it seemed hard to find a pint that was under £8 :eek: +1 for the Lowlander for belgians too. Belgo's...
  11. Oneiroi


    I think lots of people grow up eating meat and enjoy it, they don't necessarily stop liking it (or wanting an approximation) because they decide not to eat it. I'm not going vege, but trying to only eat meat once or twice a week, mainly for environmental and other reasons rather than caring...
  12. Oneiroi

    Your personal politics

    Economic Left/Right: -6.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.97 In 2016 i got -7.0/-6.92... in a few decades I might be centrist.
  13. Oneiroi

    The Home Brew Forum World Cup Competition

    Don’t be so negative.... There’s be at least 12 minutes injury time Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Oneiroi

    The Home Brew Forum World Cup Competition

    Belgium Spain Senegal South Korea Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Oneiroi

    Money what it is part 2 how we got here and what it means

    The price of gold would collapse from expanding the supply by ~3 quadrillion percent. Other than bullion for trade/currency it's mostly used for jewellery and in electronics afaik, so I guess we'd all start wearing lots of gold chains and have shinier phones? :laugh8: @simon12 I think about...
  16. Oneiroi

    Are you proud to be English.

    Not in general. As other people have said it feels a bit odd to be proud of something that happened to you accidentally. I suppose I would say I'm happy to be British, if that counts? There are obviously lots of things that I think Britain does well and gets right, as well as lots of things I...
  17. Oneiroi

    5x 100g 2015-16 hops lucky dip for £7.50

    If my goal was to try new hops it exceeded expectations, not even heard of some of these: Brewers Gold x 2 Premiant x 2 Cardinal Marynka Summit Atlas Triskel Aramis Time to start researching and come up with some tester recipes! :cheers7: Edit: All 2016 too
  18. Oneiroi

    Giveaway Inkbird NEW product - ITC-310T-B 12-stage temperature controller

    This looks super useful. I’d be more than happy to test it out Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Oneiroi

    5x 100g 2015-16 hops lucky dip for £7.50

    Only tried a few varieties so far so this looks like a great way to try a few new ones that I might not have bought. Definitely buying a couple when I get home tonight Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Oneiroi

    Hitting OG before boil

    I’ve topped off the odd litre or so post boil if I ended up a bit short but not sure I’d want to be adding 25% of my volume back in. From my limited understanding, issues around hop utilisation and diluting the flavour compounds from hopping would be the biggest issue, so you may need to up the...