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  1. Oneiroi

    Newbie Stuck Fermentation

    If you’re doing small pan stovetop batches I have heard of people putting their mash in the oven to maintain temps, if it has a reliable thermostat at low temps anyway... Sounds like a good overall process for your first brew though, don’t get disheartened by a few pitfalls along the way...
  2. Oneiroi

    My start up equipment-it's a little confusing...

    BTW, the hambleton bard co2 bottles can be refilled in lots of places e.g
  3. Oneiroi

    Whiskey Precursor Beer

    Last time I went on a tour, the distillery was using wooden fermenters which were almost open and had no temp control at all. Obviously the wood can’t be sanitised/sterilised, so although they were using specific high alcohol yeast they probably also ended up with some kind of house culture of...
  4. Oneiroi

    CO2 Gas.....kegs

    If it works well for you, why change? My limited understanding is that the primary purpose of 70/30 is that it allows you to serve/push beer at a higher pressure than you could with co2 without overcarbonating, which is useful for pushing the beer a long way, pushing it through a restrictor...
  5. Oneiroi

    How to make Turbo Cider.

    Ahh I knew I'd seen it somewhere, thanks :hat:
  6. Oneiroi

    How to make Turbo Cider.

    I can't tell if I'm being stupid but I can't seem to find the yeast with sweetener mentioned in the OP, anyone got a link?
  7. Oneiroi

    BOGOF at Beerhawk again!

    Haha yeah, you can only go so far wrong for a pound a bottle, I'll post up what I get when they arrive to give a sense of what might be in them athumb..
  8. Oneiroi

    BOGOF at Beerhawk again!

    Thanks for the heads up, just bought a couple. There's something inherently suspicious about bogof mystery boxes though :laugh8: It'll be interesting to see what comes through...
  9. Oneiroi

    how soon to drink bottled home brew ?

    Haha I had to think about that, don't say it out loud very often! I say it on-ear-oi (as in Oi!) but I know the end is sometimes pronounces as an -ee
  10. Oneiroi

    IBU levels in recipes with coffee ?

    I think a few people have stumbled on the same problem in different DIY Dog recipes. From recollection, Brewdog's fancy/pro brewing tech achieves super high hop utilisation so they often use less hops to achieve the same IBUs than a homebrewer normally does. I'm not sure if all recipes just use...
  11. Oneiroi

    pot size for one gallon brewing

    I started off with a 15l stock pot as they seemed best value for money (it was about £14 I think, not much more than smaller pots but the prices on bigger pots seemed to jump quite a bit). With a dunk sparge it was good for up to 10l batches.
  12. Oneiroi

    Beer from old bread.

    Agreed Dutto, though you have given me a craving for bread and butter pudding! The big problem is the amount that gets thrown out before it reaches the home I’ve worked with Toast ale a few times to cater events and they’re good for that too, around 2/3 of the bread they save from waste is...
  13. Oneiroi

    how soon to drink bottled home brew ?

    Stone brewing did an ‘Enjoy by’ series Brewdog also did a beer called Born to Die with a big brink by date on the front. As said above I think it really is just super hoppy Beers that seem to fade so fast, although I’d...
  14. Oneiroi

    Imp Stout Adjuncts/Flavourings

    For a 5 gallon batch?
  15. Oneiroi

    Imp Stout Adjuncts/Flavourings

    A question for those above who have used oak cubes or chips, how much did you use? I guess you need fewer chips due to higher surface area/weight ratio?
  16. Oneiroi

    Kettle souring

    I tried l.acidophilous from a health food shop and didn’t have much luck. Might try again as I have a whole pack of it but my second attempt with White labs brevis worked better. Health shops carry some obscenely expensive ones. The only plantarum my local shop had was £50+. They said it was...
  17. Oneiroi


    Thanks for sharing Chippy. I had a very similar thing happen a few years back, my foot was very swollen, agonising pain from within the joint and bright red with clearly delineated line between the red area and normal skin. I ended up spending two days in the hospital on a drip as they were...
  18. Oneiroi

    Imp Stout Adjuncts/Flavourings

    I did like the idea of cherry but it sounded a bit hard to get the flavour in, how much purée did you use? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Oneiroi

    Imp Stout Adjuncts/Flavourings

    Awesome thanks for all the ideas & advice. So far thinking is: Blueberry or Cherry out. Whisky & oak in (but use Bourbon) Some combo of vanilla coffee cacao definitely in. Rum Raisin probably out (sounds hard to get a good flavour) @JonBrew Figs sounds like a great idea, got a tree in the...
  20. Oneiroi

    Imp Stout Adjuncts/Flavourings

    I recently got a few 5l demijons for playing around and experimenting and just brainstorming ideas which could be fun at the moment. I was thinking of brewing 20l Imperial Stout around the lower end of the style (8-9%), then after primary bottle 5l plain, as is, and split the remaining 15l...